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  1. S

    Marijuana Petition Cellphone Number?

    555-dumb Sorry, but that is a total joke. Do you really think Congress is going to respond to a list of phone numbers?
  2. S

    Why don't the ACORN Liberals understand that they will be tarred and feathered at...

    I bet you don't even know ther real reason behind the original Boston Tea Party...
  3. S

    Why would Obama say he's christian when he is more skeptical about...

    To be skeptical does not mean you can't be Christian.
  4. S

    Are the reports of gun sales setting all time records actually true?

    I have not seen any verifiable reports yet.
  5. S

    Are the reports of gun sales setting all time records actually true?

    I have not seen any verifiable reports yet.
  6. S

    Shouldn't it be a requirement to know how to use a computer/Internet to...

    No, that should not be a requirement.