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  1. I

    Motorola Atrix (AT&T)? How do you like it? Battery esp.?

    I have an LG Xenon and it's finally dying on me. I'm wanting to upgrade now to a data plan, but it's apparently very hard to find a phone (with AT&T) that: -Supports all the big apps -Has a battery that will easily last from when I wake up to when I go to sleep I know android has a giant app...
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    Atheists: When was the first time you started realizing religion is a hoax?

    I never really believed in it. My parents were religious, but kind enough to simply explain things and let me make my own decisions.
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    Is taking all of these vitamins a bad thing?

    why not just eat fruit and veg- they have all the vitamins and roughage you need in a natural, non-synthesised state.
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    Why do numbers go on for infinity?

    I think the better question would be "how can they not"? On what arbitrary principal would you decided "this is the limit beyond which numbers do not apply"? This makes no sense. Numbers are totally abstract and "abstract" has no pragmatic limits.
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    Buying American Cars?

    I feel the same way you do. (It's sad, isn't it?) I'll buy an American car when they produce one I want to drive and do so at a reasonable price. Until then, they don't deserve my business.
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    Government and Politics?

    Sanctions and threat of military action.
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    Government and Politics?

    Sanctions and threat of military action.
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    How Could The Vatican Forgive John Lennon?

    First, the Vatican can't forgive anyone; only God can forgive. Second, you are correct about what Lennon said; he was "taken aback" that the Beatles were more more popular in England than Jesus. He never said that it was a good thing. In fact, at the time, I took his statement to mean that he...
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    How Could The Vatican Forgive John Lennon?

    First, the Vatican can't forgive anyone; only God can forgive. Second, you are correct about what Lennon said; he was "taken aback" that the Beatles were more more popular in England than Jesus. He never said that it was a good thing. In fact, at the time, I took his statement to mean that he...
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    Poll: Are you for or against gay marriage?

    I have no opinion about civil unions but I am opposed to redefining marriege to suit a "protected class" of people. The issue for me is the push to "normalize" something that is not normal.
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    why do we need religion to tell how to act appropriately? ?

    A Moral Absolute (God) forms the ground for moral behavior. Apart from God, morality is relative and subjective and as such, a case can be built for any behaviour. The answer to your question is one of the source of proper behaviour, not whether or not an atheist can act like a nice guy...
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    If Islam is such a "horrible" and "violent" religion....?

    The term that comes to mind is "deception."
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    About passing out out please help?

    I'm betting she had a seizure. Tell her to have an EEG from a Neurologist. It can be controlled with simple prescription.
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    What is the meanest rant you ever got from someone for an answer?

    The other day my doctor went ballistic when I told him I voted for John McCain. He went berserk and the most illogical diatribe came out of his mouth for thirty minutes. I am thinking of changing doctors. If his concepts of medicine are as poorly thought out as his politics, then I no longer...
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    Are we on the right religion...?

    You may not understand how the literature is meant to be read and interpreted. The problem most likely is with you and your own inadequacies, not with the belief system.
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    how is oil prices going down bad ?

    Oil prices going down is GOOD. The only people who think it is bad are hard-core environmentalists who think that high prices will make us stop burning fossile fuels, which or course, is ridiculous.
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    how is oil prices going down bad ?

    Oil prices going down is GOOD. The only people who think it is bad are hard-core environmentalists who think that high prices will make us stop burning fossile fuels, which or course, is ridiculous.
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    my boyfriend has a 76 harley davidson sportster and he wants a turbo charger....?

    Go to a Harley dealer or custom bike shop and ask. Get a general price range for parts and labor and then buy him a gift certificate that he can take to the place and pick out what he wants. Get him a cool card at the dealership and put the gift certificate in the card. That way, he can go...
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    Wireless internet question?

    as a general rule you don't really want to be doing anything secure over wireless unless you trust who you are connected to. Although unlikely, it is possible for someone to come between you and the internet and give you the impression of being on a secure link when it is far from it. If you...
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    Knocking sound in engine and car sounds like a diesel truck?

    Most american cars seem to have a very low level of engineering compared to European and Japanese makes and will probably be on it's last legs at 148k miles. You could take it to a garage and get their opinion, sounds like it could be related to the cylinders... could be a wide range of things.