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    Is gossip girl a naughty show?

    I want to watch the show. But I don't want to watch it if it gets gross or super inappropriate.
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    Can you be a hollywood Star Even you don't join the Illuminati ?

    Illuminati isn't real its a load of bull
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    Anyone have any good gap year travelling ideas?

    My friend and I are taking a gap year next year before starting uni, and we were thinking of travelling around Europe for 3 months :) We're thinking cheap and not really looking doing massive tourist sites but more like fun places, nice beaches and things we should see! Does anyone have any...
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    Blackberry Playbook apps games/films help!?!?!?!?!?

    Google play store will be better
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    Am I more likey to die the more times I visit a dangerous place?

    If I were to visit a war zone 10 times would it be more likey that I may be killed than if I were to visit it just once?
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    how does judaism influence the lives of its adherents/followers?

    please and thankyou! :)
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    does judaism get there observances and practices from their sacred texts?

    such as the torah and talmud? would you be able to give an example of a particular ritual, tradition, practice...etc that is found in the torah? besides 'shabbat' :)
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    What should I cook for my exchange student?

    Fried chicken & mashed potatoes! Hot dogs. BBQ. Corn on the cob. Those are some things I would make, but then again I'm from the south..
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    what are the main beliefs of judaism?

    i need to know what the main beliefs of judaism for a project.
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    who are some celebrities that have been pregnant or are pregnant?

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    Help my cat is insane. She recently was pregnant but we had the kittens removed...

    ...when we had her spayed? Help my cat is insane. She recently was pregnant but we had the kittens removed when we had her spayed 2months ago she isn't even a year old yet. Every night she scratches under the door persistantly and rips at the carpet, I put a towel under the door to make it...
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    ipod touch update iOS 4.2?

    i just updated my ipod touch and all my apps are gone but when i went to app store to re install a few it said they were already installled? where do i find them?
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    where can i download the tomorrow series....?

    i want the whole tomorrow when the war began series but it cant be a torrent it can just be one book at a time if you can find that, please? thankyou in advance
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    Do I need a passport to go on a cruise to mexico?

    I am leaving form AL and going on a 4 day cruise to mexico. I will only actually be in mexico from 8 am to 5 pm one day. And were going back to AL. Do i need a passport to be able to go on this trip. And if not what all do I need for me my husband and my 3 year old. THis is is a little last min...
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    i dreamt that i almost killed my bf?

    ..long story short. my bf in the dream was wanted 4 murder charges, when we finally caught up to him i was beating him with a big metal baton in the head n he just layed there, letting me beat him, blood gushing out but he was still alive, he told me to please shoot him in the head (cuz the...
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    what kind of symbols do they have in russia?

    please answer i have to no i tried evrey thing its so hard to find the answer if you no please give it up
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    ...VERIZON CONTACTS? I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING BUT CAN'T DO IT ....................................
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    Am I messed up because I laugh at people who cry?

    i really think your messed up. who would like to there freinds seriously. and sure somtimes life can be funny but if ya keep pulling away from love your giong to end up no where in life
  19. B

    Am I messed up because I laugh at people who cry?

    i really think your messed up. who would like to there freinds seriously. and sure somtimes life can be funny but if ya keep pulling away from love your giong to end up no where in life
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    Can't connect cell phone to laptop using bluetooth?

    My laptop won't connect with my cell phone (lg banter). I checked everything ( turned it on, made sure it was discoverable etc.) but it still won't work. What's wrong?