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    Copy/Move process to 1TB internal Hard Disk gets stuck?

    HISTORY: My old PC had a 160 GB HD, later i bought a new 1TB HD. SInce my old PC had a lesser power PSU/SMPS, it couldn't handle both HDs together and often caused my PC to freeze/hang. So i removed the 1TB HD and kept it away as i was gonna change my whole internal system including -...
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    i'm using apache 180 new model. i would like to paste sticker to my bike.?

    suggest me some good site to see about stickers for bike.
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    best bikes with good mileage n sport type in tamilnadu?

    bike rate should be less than RS. 1 L .....on road
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    Bittorrent checking files?

    After shutting down my pc and pausing download on bittorrent I restart it to find that Bittorrent is checking files.Doesnt Bittorrent saves its progress when closing the program? Is there a way around this so I can continue downloading files instead of having to wait for Bittorrent to check the...
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    Hellllpppp!!! Quick!!!!?

    I Have to go to the cinema to Watch Madagascar:Escape 2 Africa. I cant decide what do take to eat. Subway or KFC!!!!! I Need HELP Quickly,
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    Is this motherboard Good?

    hi recently my motherboard had crashed n need a new one i was thinkin ov buyine asus p5b-mx/wifi. is it a good mother board???? is it durable or i shud go with intel... my pervious motherboard was intel G945GNT. Is asus p5b-mx/wifi motherboard better than my old one G945GNT...? my comp spec...