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    Need help finding articles about Oedipus the King?

    I'm having trouble finding academic articles about Oedipus the King regarding the context of the play (the historical period, popular practices, etc.) and the production of the play. Any help would be fantastic. Thanks
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    What would be an interesting topic for biology?

    You don't give much information about the media project other then the subject matter requires lots of pictures. How will you be presenting these pictures, and what are you expected to know about the subject matter? Will it be in class and how many people will be viewing it...
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    Brain and computer integration technology possible in the future?

    You will be amazed. Much progress in neuroscience and computer interfacing is occurring today. See: 60 Minutes: Reading Minds;contentBody Subvocal speech IBM unveils cognitive computer...
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    Ipod touch bluetooth?

    is there an app that will allow me to transfer files between and ipod touch and an android phone?
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    Is it possible to use the ipod touch as a Bluetooth dongle?

    I have a bluetooth keyboard but no adapter for my computer, so i was wondering if it were possible to use my ipod touch as an adapter?
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    why won't my jeep steer straight ?

    why does my 94 grand cherokee sway side to side? I have to correct this thing every 3 or 4 seconds by like an eighth of a turn....Its starting to get a bit scary at higher speeds....what is it that makes a vehicle stay in a stright line? Is the stabilizer like spring loaded to stay in the...
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    Is 12.46MB/s with 0.66MB/S and 26MS a good speed? What are some tips to

    Those numbers look like gibberish to me. What are they measuring? average, upload and download speeds? Is it wireless? what rev? dial-up? DSL? Cable? fiber? more info please...
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    How close are we today for having holograms just as in the sci-fi movies?

    Before 2025 or so. Holographic Television
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    lol what do you think?

    lol guys what do you think of this video i made?
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    If i give an unlocked blackberry flip 8220 to some1 in Jamaica,will they be...

    The providers in JA don't offer internet on their phones unless your PREPAY, you get a bill every month. Most just get phone cards & have no internet, so those features won't work. Some allow for picture sharing and ALL allow texting regarless how you pay. Plus if you bring on it needs to be...
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    If i give an unlocked blackberry flip 8220 to some1 in Jamaica,will they be...

    The providers in JA don't offer internet on their phones unless your PREPAY, you get a bill every month. Most just get phone cards & have no internet, so those features won't work. Some allow for picture sharing and ALL allow texting regarless how you pay. Plus if you bring on it needs to be...
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    I don't know that much about cars and found this one online..the picture looks...

    buy it. tell him he needs to smog it (owner must have smog before a transfer). he will have to fix the light. but i bet there is more to the story.
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    how many of you have smoked or tried.....?

    yeah,grew up and lost intrest.. need to get in touch with the real world.
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    Where can i watch series 5 of desperate housewives? ahoy!
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    Prepare for TRACK MEET!!!!!?

    try to get pumped b4 ur event like hard music.......... um red bull a few minutes b4 u run, jump, throw and um go to gym few weeks b4 track meet and work on the muscle ur gonna use a lot in whatever event ur doing and um if ur sprinting go for explosive lunges with ankle weights
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    Do I have a Hemerrhoid?

    I have been getting a little bit of blood on the toilet paper lately, except for today I had a lot, took 2 wipes to get it all. It hurts to pass stool and when I do they are large and hard. Ive been tryingto drink lots of water and high fibre foods lately to help with the passing of the stool...
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    Internet Explorer and Free Music Zilla???!!1?

    Okay well my friends say that you could use free music zilla if you have interent explorer, so i tried that but it won't work for me, but they seem to be sucessful, so i was wondering if you guys know if there is a specific type of internet explorer or just one Cause i really need to know THANKS