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  1. B

    Who Would Win In A Fight To The Death?

    colonel sanders would block all their arteries in no time
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    What is the WORST joke in the world?

    Buddy Epson told this on a talk show yeaaars ago before he died. woman slips on banana peel, not funny, now when that same woman steps over the banana peel and into an open manhole, that's funny. yeah, i know you're not laughing..
  3. B

    I got optimum nutrition serious mass weight gain and i wanted to know how many

    real food is cheaper... if you could possibly eat a sub every other day then the weight gainer would be unnecessary. that said, if you take weight gainer AND DO NOT eat at least 5 meals a day IN ADDITION to it, then you wont get the results. weight gainers are for people who lift hard, and eat...
  4. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  5. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  6. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  7. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  8. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  9. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
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    Is lincoln a luxury brand really or a poser?

    Is lincoln really a luxury brand or is it a poser/wannabe? Would you buy a lincoln?
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    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  12. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  13. B

    Would you use a wind up charger for your mobile phone?

    A battery charger attached to an exercise machine would be a great idea. You wouldn't have to worry about some of the problems associated with connecting unregulated power into your home circuit which would reduce the cost. A hand-held wind-up charger would be a bad idea for most situations...
  14. B

    iphone on verizon network?

    You can but some of the features may not function properly but it will work as a phone.
  15. B

    Politically speaking. Are very obvious rants all that the GOP and Republicans have?

    Both sides have pretty pointless rants (like this one) and both sides have some valid points. You, for example, seem to be hanging on to your hatred for Bush, even though he is no longer president and is irrelevant to the current issues. Get over it. Democrats called names and came up with some...
  16. B

    In the future, due to the rapid rise of technology, do you think a huge

    Half a million years ago man worked less than 20 hours a week to fulfill his needs. Now we have dishwashers, farms, ranches, high rise buildings and lots of technology. Man's work week went to 40-50 hours a week to fulfill his needs. Technology has never made life easier, just changed the work...
  17. B

    In the future, due to the rapid rise of technology, do you think a huge

    Half a million years ago man worked less than 20 hours a week to fulfill his needs. Now we have dishwashers, farms, ranches, high rise buildings and lots of technology. Man's work week went to 40-50 hours a week to fulfill his needs. Technology has never made life easier, just changed the work...
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    Pill sold at GNC, its supposed to be like the prescription pill

    citrus aurantium, aka- synephrine,aka bitter orange, they bind to carbs and prevent absorption. they only work so well and really cant be relied on as your sole-source of weight control. you still have to exercise and eat right and limit carbs.
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    when do the 2010 kawasaki 250fs come out(dirt bikes)?

    I dont think you can buy the 2010 yamaha's yet but they do have them made <--- little bit of info for the world
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    Martial arts....will you help?

    i would like to know about various types of martial arts and what it focuses on....for example i heard muay thai is about using knees and elbows.Also, i would like you to tell me the difficulty of each one and how it can help.Thank you very much for your help! =D and if it makes a difference...