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  1. O

    Christians: Was Jesus real?

    I helps to read the material in context. In the first instance, Jesus is saying that if it was he alone that bore witness, it would not be true, but (in the following verses) another will bear witness. The paragraph break doesn't help matters, but like many passages, isolating them can lead to...
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    Why do Athiest Occulists Fundamentalists hate Jesus Christ and persecute...

    You really don't know what persecution is like until they want to burn you at the stake for whatever. In today's society, especially if you live in the United States, you don't know persecution. Being called names is immature, but then, what can it do to you? If they don't throw stones or...
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    What are your thoughts on the Boy Scouts lifting their ban on gays?

    They haven't. The vote has been delayed until May. It is their decision to make. I have a problem where kids are involved in what amounts to an all-male organization. They've had plenty of problems in the past with pedophiles (remember we're talking same-gender child abuse) and have managed to...
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    How accurate and informative have the prophecies of Nostradamus been?

    No one has been able to use any of them to predict any future event(s). They've only been given credibility in hindsight.
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    Why do Fundamentalists rant about the Illuminati?

    It is not a unique view of fundamentalists, though the evangelist fundamentalists tend to be the most noisy. "In modern times it (the Illuminati) is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world...
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    What two languages should I learn if I want a Phd in either Christianity or Judaism?

    Hebrew for one of them. It is the core language for the Old Testament. Greek is the base language for the New Testament, including the version of the Old Testament that was in use at the time of Jesus. If you have no interest in learning Konine Greek, then you will likely have to concentrate...
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    Amish, Judaism, Christianity?

    Nope. They are the break-off of the Mennonites, one of the earliest of the Anabaptist protestant denominations. They have their own set of rules that are not necessarily tied to scripture. I do not believe there is any Christian denomination that is equivalent (in the approach to religion) to...
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    If Christianity hadn't been declared Rome's official religion, would the West be...

    We really don't know what went on in that "late Roman Empire". Anything we might suggest is going to be pure speculation, lacking any kind of substantive support. We simply lack very much of anything in the way of written information about the people. As far as whether or not the people would...
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    Is religion part of culture or culture part of religion?

    Essentially, both. Many cultures grow out of religion, while in some instances, culture influences religion, as in the adoption of an English version of the mass among Catholics in the United States. The influences tend to be general and not specific (like tattoos).
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    Why in Judaism, is circumstion perfromed?

    It is tied very deeply to the covenants (agreements) God made with Israel (the people) and as such, it is part of the religion.
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    Do you think church bells are a nuisance and menace to society?

    They can be considered a nuisance, but for the religious, they are a "call to worship". If I lived close to a church that played their bells, I'd probably consider moving or buying something to block the sound.
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    Have Jehovahs ever disfellowshipped someone for making a false prophecy?

    The JWs do not seem to believe that prophets (like those of the Old Testament) exist in the world today. As such, they don't seem to have the concept that any of their leaders (or members) can prophecy of future events, and rely, instead, on man's reckoning to predict events like the return of...
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    what religion allows men to have more than one wife?

    Islam currently has the practice, though it has existed in Judaism and Christianity in the distant past. There is a small branch of Mormonism (the FDLS) who practice it, as well. I suspect there are other groups that have slipped under the radar. Polygamy was common during Biblical times.
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    my parents are opposed to my religion, what can i do?

    As long as you are a minor and dependent upon your parents for your support, you are basically stuck with having to go along with their desires. This question is commonly asked by teens who want to break away from their parent's religion and there isn't a whole lot you can do while you are...
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    What Does it mean, Christ Preached to the Spirits in Prison?

    This is discussing the Savior's mission to the spirit world, where all people go when they die. There was no resurrection until the Savior overcame death and was resurrected. He went between the time he was crucified on the cross and his resurrection. He limited his preaching to those who were...
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    Christians how can we stop abortion?

    Do you want to kill the mothers, instead? Seriously, any time some one wants to put a complete halt to all, and I mean every -- no exceptions, abortion, I have to think that you are putting yourself and society into the position of committing pre-meditated murder of the mother, who may be at...
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    In 2000 years do you think historians will regard Judaism/Christianity/Islam as

    I think they will continue to regard the three as separate religions with a common ancestry.
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    Who fathered Jesus Christ (of Christianity)? Was it God (the Eternal Father), the

    Holy Spirit/Ghost, or Jesus? The trinity claims that God the Father, Jesus Christ (His Son), and the Holy Spirit/Ghost are the same God. The scriptures say that the Holy Spirit overcame/overshadowed Mary when she conceived Jesus. The scriptures also say that Jesus is the only begotten Son of...
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    Why do religious people 'boast' about their religion on social networking sites?

    Not that long ago, people declared their political affiliation (Republican, Democrat, Whig...) and religious affiliation. Obituaries often carried this information. The trend toward praising and thanking God is a personal thing that on-line communities allow them to do without some naysayer...
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    If some scientists are correct and we won't die in 20 years, does that fulfill

    You need to read your Bible. There is a death that comes between mortal life and eternal life. Oh, and a resurrection of the body. No, no credible scientist has ever claimed that science will allow people to live forever. While we can replace many organs, but there is no such thing as...