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  1. T

    which digital currency service is offshore and does not report my private...

    ...information to the IRS? before you tell me to pay taxes it is a constitutional right to keep my finances private.
  2. T

    Why did this guy avoid eye contact with me when we passed each other when...

    He into u, he's just shy. If u make him smile that's a good thing, so obviously u do something 2 him that makes him happy
  3. T

    Paul's epistles did not contain any references that he meets or sees an...

    Congratulations. You actually are a thinking person. Paul thought the end of time was within his lifetime so he produced all his writings based on that view. It was the clergymen that changed this view to submit the people to its false teachings which were based on the pagan beliefs of the...
  4. T

    My DVD Player Suddenly Stopped Working. Can it be Saved???

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm having problems with my DVD player. It was working fine on one movie and then I popped in the next and it started acting a fool. Every time I put a DVD in it, it tries to read the DVD, but can't, and starts making a clicking sound. It goes through the cycle...
  5. T

    My DVD Player won't work all of a sudden. Why? Help!

    Hello everyone, I'm new here and I'm having problems with my DVD player. It was working fine on one movie and then I popped in the next and it started acting a fool. Every time I put a DVD in it, it tries to read the DVD, but can't, and starts making a clicking sound. It goes through the cycle...
  6. T

    Logic and Religion?

    Logic is not necessary. One has to be reminded that the only thing the faithful have is ONE book. It has been touted as the word of a great deity. What is not understood that men wrote the stories based on what their beliefs were, not by some sky creature. Many stories were floating around...