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  1. J

    Did you see RUSSEL BRAND in the papers at the london riots?

    Is he the most irritating smug idiot that you have ever seen?
  2. J

    Survey...Would you agree that this is ?

    I was abused as a kid and i call them all psychological killers, Ive had to live with it all my life and so should they, i think that we should put them all in the same prison and let them fend for themselves as in papillon, the film, the filthy no good scum.
  3. J

    what celebrity supports deaf-blind assistance?

    Katie Price/Jordan.
  4. J

    For mothers day my husband is working?

    What can i do to treat myself and not spend to much money, i know ill be bored.
  5. J

    Celebrity Questions on YA?

    People just like to jump on the band wagon. Its like WOW its jen, i must give her a star.... Why i dont
  6. J

    what does 9.0E-4 for Tmobile mean?

    It comes up on our bill on data Megabytes.
  7. J

    Celebrity Questions on YA?

    People just like to jump on the band wagon. Its like WOW its jen, i must give her a star.... Why i dont
  8. J

    What do you think of my views on society and religion?

    WOW. i will have a look. My daughter lives in Romania and kills and grows her own everything and i can honestly say shes as calm as cucumber... so perhaps your right, god bless.
  9. J

    Can i switch my phone when just signed on a contract with telus.?

    I just signed a 3 year contract with telus and its been the first month and i have paid my bill. Im starting not to like my phone and i will like to get that switched. Am i allowed to just switch phones? Has anyone had any experience with this.
  10. J

    Can i switch my phone when just signed on a contract with telus.?

    I just signed a 3 year contract with telus and its been the first month and i have paid my bill. Im starting not to like my phone and i will like to get that switched. Am i allowed to just switch phones? Has anyone had any experience with this.
  11. J

    What are the healthiest meals to eat without having to cook?

    Is there any clean space at all to at least prepare food? A chopped salad would be quick and easy, or even just a sandwich with plenty of veggies and using whole grain bread.
  12. J

    Anyone know good sites for broken blood vessels? ?

    I have problems with it mainly in my legs. The slightest bump and I get the broken vessels, or deep, dark bruises that last for days. I have a one year old son so I'm constantly chasing him everywhere and running into the same things he does, but I look battered!
  13. J

    1993 Honda Accord Timing Belt

    About 2 1/2 years ago we had the timing belt replaced on our 1993 Honda Accord--(10th Anniversary Edition. Last week the car became sluggish so I pulled over to the side of the road and shut it off. It would not start so I had it towed to our service station. After having looked at the car, our...
  14. J

    Can mario and sonic olympics on DS be played over the internet ?

    it should say on the box if you can. it may say something about a wi-fi connection. it may be on the Start menu. hope this helps.
  15. J

    does anyone have a nokia 7390 and is it unlocked?

    Dont know if this helps but i had my daughters lg viewty unlocked, our local market stall said they didnt have the software as its a new phone and advised me to ring t mobile who it was locked too. I rang them and explained that I wanted to swop between t mobile and o2 and i paid £15 and got a...