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  1. S

    Is it customary for Protestants and Catholics to play down their...

    I can't speak as to regarding Catholics, but the majority of protestant churches are very pro-Israel and pro-jew.
  2. S

    Does your Religion ever conflict with your own personal beliefs?

    No, I do not because long ago I decided my religion was my beliefs, my path is my own.
  3. S

    Does religion make you a better person?

    It can. It doesn't always, but it can.
  4. S

    How can anyone with any intelligence what so ever believe in religion?

    Followers of religion have a different standard of proof than atheists do. That said, if you'd ever actually studied Christianity, you would know what they believe happened to the people that were born before Christ.
  5. S

    When it comes to religion why do couples still have sex? isnt that a sin in a way?

    No, the bible says that couples should come together so that they are not tempted by other people. As long as they're married there's nothing wrong with it.
  6. S

    For all religions,will Supreme Court stops Obama's plans?

    This isn't religion, this is politics, you should have asked in the politics section.
  7. S

    followers of religion: were you born with your faith/religion (told what to belive...

    I was born and raised Christian but left the religion behind for Wicca when my beliefs changed.
  8. S

    How can Christianity POSSIBLY teach love?! It ever let violence into Hollywood...

    Okay, love doesn't require open mouth kissing, lustful embrace, seduction, abortion, prostitution, nudity, obscenity, profanity or sexual perversion. You have a hang up about sex, but the two are not the same, they can and often are linked, but they are not one and the same. Get over it.
  9. S

    Why is Cricket's coverage area so limited compared to other Cellphone companies?

    Don't get me wrong, I love Cricket, that's the problem. I live just 15 miles outside of their coverage area.
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    Does religion become cooler when less people believe in it?

    Probably, but it wouldn't necessarilly be because the size is different but because the impact upon people's lives is different. For example, very few people have ever had a Wiccan knock on their door and tell them Zues loves them. However, many horror stories can be attributed to other...
  11. S

    only 3 religions?

    Wicca in its current incarnations traces its start back to Gerald Gardener who wrote about his coven's practices. Since then countless variations have arisen, but all versions of Wicca owe him a nod of thanks (though not all will admit to it, or admit to being a neopagan religion). Other pagan...
  12. S

    Why religion have a strong effect in people?

    The majority of religions are set up so that if you believe it, it is the most important thing in your life. Christianity is a good example of this. (Ie. Ever lasting life if you give your few years on this earth to Jesus.)
  13. S

    What if you were wrong? (All religions)?

    I've lived my life, I've attempted to be a good person, things haven't always worked out for the best, but I tried. If whoever or whatever awaits me on the other side doesn't like that, I don't see it and I having anything to talk about.
  14. S

    For people that follow religions that are non-Christian=>Does daily experience

    Yup, the same way the Christians do, by attributing anything good to the higher powers and anything bad to things like evil spirits, black magic, or whatever. (generic pagany answer) On a personal level, sometimes. Some days everywhere I look I'll see beauty and joy and just *know* that there...