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  1. C

    Would Hillary have blamed the secret service men or White House Social...

    There ya go, just like Bush executive privilege. Which one of you actually thought Obama was different.
  2. C

    Would Hillary have blamed the secret service men or White House Social...

    There ya go, just like Bush executive privilege. Which one of you actually thought Obama was different.
  3. C

    could it be that the USA really isnt headed for disaster, and all this talk

    Well Phil is doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the wrong person was elected last November. Also it is the American people that are going to cause the "Disaster" through ignorance, arrogance, stupidity, and laziness. Those are facts my friend you may not like them but they are facts just the...
  4. C

    Is Joe Biden's prophecy about Obama being fulfilled before our eyes?

    Every President has been tested within 6 months in office, either China, Korea, or Iran, its all the same. Biden the blowhard didn't predict anything, he just likes to hear himself talk.
  5. C

    do you think what ever the Plan GM and Chrysler had, whether it was the most

    Don't know how great it was, but the government stepping in like that smacks of fascism at it's best. I mean how much more of this crap do we have to take before Americans stand up and say enough is enough.
  6. C

    Did Michelle Obama really find 3 of Cheney's hunting buddies when she was

    Seeing Letterman is an idiot, yes it's a joke.
  7. C

    Why is Obama treating his job like a celebrity?

    Because he doesn't know anything else. Remember Barry the Inexperienced.
  8. C

    Why is Obama treating his job like a celebrity?

    Because he doesn't know anything else. Remember Barry the Inexperienced.
  9. C

    Will the right wing continue making conspiracy theories about Obama well into his...

    Probably continue after McCain wins because we have to have something to laugh about and Barry is a good choice.
  10. C

    Which Obama conspiracy irks you the most?

    Well, he's not a muslim.
  11. C

    Are eyewitnesses more credible than conspiracy theorists?

    I would hope so unless there Michael Moore or Oliver Stone.
  12. C

    To Conservatives- your special Chance to rant about Obama.?

    I don't need to rant about him. Every time Obama opens his trap he provides all that you have written for us.
  13. C

    What do you think of Hollywood?

    Most of them no, they have some really perverted ideas of how things should be here in America, they think there educated on this and they are the dumbest on it.
  14. C

    american politics, what is it about freemasons, i heard only freemasons can be

    No, but alot of Presidents have been Masons, makes me feel uncomfortable.