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  1. E

    In Romeo and Juliet, how could Friar Laurence talk some sense into Romeo...

    ...about the marriage? For my English essay we have to pick 3 topics to put in the essay. For one of the topics to write about I chose: Friar Laurence is the one to blame in Romeo and Juliet because he didn't talk some sense into Romeo who wanted the marriage arranged. Please help! Thank you. (:
  2. E

    Name of underwater/ submarine sci fi?

    What is the name of the movie, where scientists go in a submarine to research some form of vents underwater. They encounter many issues and some die, drowning, suffocating etc. They try to reach the surface but only find a very large vessel. When they search said vessel they find only dead...
  3. E

    Is the Obama Administration sort of like Carnival Cruise Lines?

    Nah, that was the Bush presidency if anything.
  4. E

    verizon gs3 jelly bean update crashes all the time?

    I got my phone around november 10, 2012. I came from iphone so i didn't know much about android, still rooted and such. had some trouble with the phone, but eventually fixed it. when I had custom roms installed, my phone always crashed like "unfortunately, _(insert anything here)___ has stopped...
  5. E

    Can inflation cause the trade weighted index for a country to increase?

    The trade weighted index measures the differences in price between consumer goods in one country to another. The higher the index is, the more purchasing power a country has. The index might dip lower due to inflation because fewer people will be able to afford products, unless there is...
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    I need a title for this story idea.?

    An impossible love? Saga of Paige?
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    IPhone 4s jailbreak ?

    Hi I want to know if you can jailbreak iPhone 4s running on IOS 5.0.1 and if so how would you do it, would the website "" work ? Thanks for help and would appreciate proper jailbreaks and no viruses. Thanks
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    Can you connect a xbox 360 to a blue-ray player?

    I see that the blue-ray player has spots to plug in video and audio, now when i hook the xbox 360's sound and video to the blue-ray player how do i get it to show up? I am trying to be able to lay my xbox 360 through my blu-ray player i know that sounds kind of weird but my dad doesnt want me to...
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    How do I meet a boyfriend on craigslist?

    Bad idea. Craigslist is for murderers and people with smelly, decrepit furniture.
  10. E

    What paintball gun, with holographic site, was shown at the gadget show live on...

    ...sunday, and what website? I went to the gadget show live on sunday, and I saw the paintball stand, I was just wondering which company it was, and what gun was shown with the black ops smiley face holographic sight, I want to buy both.
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    I have a bone to pick with christians/non-belevers?

    As a christian, i'm completely fine with gay people. for the serious christians that truely understand God, they'll understand that you should love your enemies too (I'm not saying gay people are my enemies, its just saying to love everyone). so for real christians, its a matter of personal...
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    How do I connect my phone to the internet via my computer's bluetooth?

    Hey guys, I can't connect my phone directly to my house's Wi-Fi, but that doesn't matter, Does anyone know how to allow my computer teather it's internet on my phone with bluetooth? I've paired my phone and my laptop but I can't figure out the internet bit :/ How do I do it? Thank You!!!
  13. E

    Do gay people like spreading AIDS as much as they like playing dress-up in the...

    ...military? With Don't Ask Don't Tell being repealed they can finally be the muscular GI Joe toys they later imagined themselves f***ing. Isn't that great?
  14. E

    Do gay people like spreading AIDS as much as they like playing dress-up in the...

    ...military? With Don't Ask Don't Tell being repealed they can finally be the muscular GI Joe toys they later imagined themselves f***ing. Isn't that great?
  15. E

    If the market can regulate itself, how come Taco Bell "beef" is mostly sand?

    People don't care about quality anymore. Why do you think Wal-Mart is still in business?
  16. E

    Do gay people like spreading AIDS as much as they like playing dress-up in the...

    ...military? With Don't Ask Don't Tell being repealed they can finally be the muscular GI Joe toys they later imagined themselves f***ing. Isn't that great?
  17. E

    Do gay people like spreading AIDS as much as they like playing dress-up in the...

    ...military? With Don't Ask Don't Tell being repealed they can finally be the muscular GI Joe toys they later imagined themselves f***ing. Isn't that great?