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  1. F

    Classic rock quiz for Bieber Fans *?

    ;) I think for the perspective's sake, you guys oughta take this little quiz & see who well you know music of the past. No Googling now... 1) Jimi Hendrix was well-know for playing a) the tuba b) a Honda accordion c) guitar d) the banjo 2) Name the trio Eric Clapton was part of in the '60s a)...
  2. F

    What are some nonChristmas songs that contain jingle bells?

    sleigh bells? Cheap Trick's "Hot Love" has some near the end. Jellyfish's - Sebrina, Paste & Plato" The Beach Boys -" God Only Knows"
  3. F

    Who else misses Rodney Dangerfield?

    I sure do. Here's one of countless one-liners of his I love: "My high school football team was tough. After they sacked the quarterback, they went after his family!"
  4. F

    "Ma Bell" Sent Me a Whopping Bill?

    To paraphrase the classic 80s Kurtis Blow rap "The Breaks", I just got a whoppin telephone bill! (with lyrics on the right. 3rd paragraph down) It was a doozy. Know any songs that mention telephones, phone lines, phone calls, .......or phone...
  5. F

    Celebs you somehow find attractive, but...?

    ...others might look at you like you had 3 heads & shout "YUCK!" You *Know* they aren't good looking in the classic sense, but they still somehow appeal to you & you're not entirely sure why. Who's on that list for you? Some of mine: Shelly Duvall from The Shining...
  6. F

    Was Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells ever used in a horror movie?

    I thought you were kidding! :)
  7. F

    Was Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells ever used in a horror movie?

    I thought you were kidding! :)
  8. F

    What're celebrity new year's resolutions you'd love to see?

    Ryan Seacrest- "I resolve to resign from Idol effective immediately. I am tired of duping the American public into thinking that dumb show actually produces great music. Dammit, I wanna write plays." The Jonas Bros.- "We resolve to dissolve our relationship with Disney & take a year off to an...
  9. F

    Who Are Celebs Who'd *Never* Make The "Sexiest Alive" List?

    mine.... 1. Jack Klugman 2. Ernest Borgnine 3. Phyliss Diller 4. Michael Berryman
  10. F

    R&P:What Xmas song makes you want to run screaming from the mall?

    Everyone & their sister thinks "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" is hilarious. I don't. I know there's one more I don't like, but I gotta look over Xmas song lists. It's escaping me now...
  11. F

    Rush To Get Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame?

    in 2009! Nice! As a huge Rush fan, I'm mighty proud :) I had no idea til today. & as cool as that is, what's oppositely baffling is that it was on this day 5 years ago, Britney Spears got one.....Britney...
  12. F

    So whats your opinion on screamed vocals?

    I realize there's an entire genre based on screaming...but it isn't for me. I think screaming is effective when it's unexpected, but when it's a constant, I guess it's an aquired taste.
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    Blu-Ray, HD DVD or DVD?

    Which do you use? I recently read that some think Blu-ray may go the way of the laserdisc. (big, weren't they?)
  14. F

    Blu-Ray, HD DVD or DVD?

    Which do you use? I recently read that some think Blu-ray may go the way of the laserdisc. (big, weren't they?)
  15. F

    Where can I find The Beatles Anthology set on DVD?

    It's not on
  16. F

    Where can I find The Beatles Anthology set on DVD?

    It's not on
  17. F

    Classic Horror Fans, Did You Watch This Years Ago?

    This will likely only be exciting to those over 30 & possibly those who grew up in the northeast. Not sure if this was regional back in the day or not, but "Chiller Theater" is coming back! Intro -used to scare the crap outta me when I was little...
  18. F

    Vampire Movie/ 30 Days of Night Fans...?

    (& I'm talkin' REAL vampire movies, not this trendy,romantic/angsty teen "Twilight" crap) Have you seen the prequel film shorts to "30 Days of Night" on Oh man. Do it. Now...In the dark.... and these...
  19. F

    Any fans of The Apples In Stereo?

    Me! I Love "Same Old Drag"
  20. F

    Considering a trip to Iceland...?

    What should the typical traveler need to know about Iceland? Places to see etc? Thanks! :) LOL! CR I just emailed you...