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  1. L

    How can i start my Argument Essay?

    Im writing about "Should public schools require their students to wear uniforms?" This is what i think, "Students should wear uniforms instead of their own clothes for many reasons. It is less to worry about in the morning, more time for homework or sleeping time. Girls have less chances of...
  2. L

    I have tmobile and blocked a verizon number..?

    It'll be blocked.
  3. L

    is there any downloads like limewire? or frostwire?

    Looking for something to download songs. anyone?
  4. L

    She argues with me a lot. Does this mean she hates me?

    NO it means she really care about you that's why she argue
  5. L

    Whats this bleach episode/chapter?

    in the anime its like ep 122-124ish in the manga i dunno if its there yet...
  6. L

    why did he laugh at me :(?

    He probably thought it was a joke or something. You shouldn't worry about it to much. it is his lost if he doesn't feel the same way! <(^o^)>
  7. L

    okay i know everyone is asking this but i have to ask too lol what was your fav...

    The part where Jacob and Bella were about to kiss and Jacob calls her that name in Quileute.
  8. L

    my girlfriend is acting funny? I think we are about to break up?

    i agree if she dnt care how u feel dump'er
  9. L

    On my DS if my internet doesn't work by searching 4 internet will it work...

    A Nintendo Wi-fi adapter absolutely should work weather an Action Reply has been used or not. Unless your computers messed up, or has a firewall possibly blocking the program, it should work. you can always try checking nintendo's wi-fi FAQ website
  10. L

    Why do some people try to shove their religions down other people throats?

    I am an atheist and have no problem with people believing what they want. However, the fact that I am an atheist seems to bother people who follow a religion. You believe in something that there is NO proof of, face it. I believe in sciene, which there IS proof of. Yet I'm not the one stood...
  11. L

    why did he say this for......?

    awhile back i was talking to my guy friend... he asked me why i am sad all the time... i told him that im not, i am ok but im sad more often then he told me tht i was trying to make myself sad... then i asked why i would do that and he replied i dont know you tell me. .......... why would he...
  12. L

    Make me laugh please?!?

    I am bored and would love some amusing sites to visit. I recently discovered and LOVE it. I don't want video/virals, and failblog is boring imo. Thanks! It went in the wrong section, I just clicked inet> :/ Its ok just try not to do it again. How can I 'try' not to do it again...
  13. L

    What religion was Nero?

    I mean Nero Claudius Caesar; the one who ruled from 54-68 AD in Rome and had many Christians executed.
  14. L

    I've Been Having Unusual Stomach Pain?

    Sometimes I get the worst stabbing pain right between my breastbones. It is so severe that if I'm driving I have to pull over and I have an enourmous tolerance for pain. I am doubled over by the pain. It then radiates still under the breastbone to my right side. Usually something will prompt...
  15. L

    how do you turn on the cingular blackjack?

    most likely like any other phone hold down the end button. the red one.
  16. L

    Being friends with people like me?

    People and my friends call me Emo so i guess i need to find people like that. i don't hate the stereotype emo/scene but i do call things emo/scene like emo boy scene hair ect... putting that aside. in fact i love emo/scene people i just don't think i am one well at times i do but at times i...
  17. L

    Do I look like any celeb or no?

    mariah carey?