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    What are the 3 key fashion trends this season?

    I'm doing a project about Fashion and was wondering if anyone knows what the current fashion trends are this season?
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    iPhone 4 keeps turning on and off again after iOS 6.1.3 update?

    Try and restart it, can't remember how too.. yourll have to google it :)
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    Unlocked iPhone 5 and plan?

    I own an iphone 5 (UNLOCKED, from the apple store) and I am currently a tmobile user. If anytime soon, I decide that I want to be an AT&T user, and still want to use my iphone 5, will i still be paying the same amount as those who got their iphone 5 from at&t with the plan ($85-$120 a month) or...
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    Samsung Galaxy S3 Hotspot problem?

    Why can other people connect to my wifi but I can't use it myself? Yesterday, I was out with my boyfriend and I turned on the wifi hotspot on my phone and then he connected to it perfectly fine and browsed the internet without a problem but I myself can't use my own hotspot. Am I doing something...
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    Samsung Galaxy S3 Hotspot problem?

    Why can other people connect to my wifi but I can't use it myself? Yesterday, I was out with my boyfriend and I turned on the wifi hotspot on my phone and then he connected to it perfectly fine and browsed the internet without a problem but I myself can't use my own hotspot. Am I doing something...
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    Dream help sinking cruise ship ?

    I had a dream we were docked in a beautiful little bay stunning the dancing on the ship the drinking I saw and remember everything SO clearly! Then we set sail and the ship was rough getting into the water (don't ask me why we had to get back into the water I haven't a clue) as soon as we sailed...
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    What can I do to make people stop thinking I'm a lesbian?

    Me nd my best friend had theat problem for about 3 years...we done everythin together,hence being a so called ''lesbian'' i have to say it all stoped wen we stoped caring wat people wer sayin...lik if sum1 said to us wed say''and wats it to u if i am or not its none of yur business neway,is yur...
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    Can you explain how interest works on a savings account?

    Example: you put 10,000 into savings with 20% apy what does this mean how is it calculated how much would you have at the end if the year?
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    Why do people say the Church of JESUS CHRIST Of Later Day Saints is not Christian?

    Probably for the same reason you Mormons say that the RLDS aren't 'true' Mormons, despite their assertions that they are. It all just speaks to the schismatic nature of religion.
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    christian girls what should i do?

    slow down, hon.. mommy can't understand you.
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    Very Random Quiz!!!!!!!!!?

    1. What is your favorite type of horse? 2. What your favorite on a horse?(like bay buckskin etc.) 3. Do you ride horses? If yes, What do you do?
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    What is the latest PaintTool Sai version out? and is the free torrent version

    available? I can't use the transparency convert tool on the version I have :c that's why
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    asking for help about a sci fi novel?

    Quote 1. yes you are correct except that you have used the word role incorrectly. You mean character. In a play or a film a character may be played as a 'role' but in this instance role is inappropriate. Quote 2 It means that he considered himself part of the moral and social degeneration...
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    Operating System Not Found On Toshiba Sattelite P305-S8814..need help asap..?

    Hi...a couple of week ago,my little girl tripped over my laptop,then it wouldnt boot...So i did a little playing with it and seen a option to restore my computer where it took over 26 hours...Now its giving me this error message :::: Yukon PXE v6.50.2.3(20071025) (c) Copyright 2003-2007 Marvell...
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    Atheists would you rather people only learnt about Religion in Churches?

    Religions should be taught in history and mythology courses because they've had profound influence in shaping the world. It's important to know what people believe in all parts of the world and how it shapes their actions, cultures, foreign policy, etc. The difference- it shouldn't be endorsed...
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    Can anyone state some interesting medical topics?

    I have a class discussion next week, and we could speak about anything at all. I cant come up with any interesting medical topic. Can anyone please suggest me some? Topics that would keep the entire class interested?
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    am i bad for laughing at my dog?

    Well, the dog is fine, so It's okay. My dog was once rolling under the blankets of the bed, and he couldn't see, so he fell. I laughed. He was fine. He acted like nothing happened at all.
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    Whats the old karate film called starring two brothers?

    It's got two young brothers in who are in two different karate groups called something like the red scorpions? In one part of the film the two brothers rob a house, steal a car and then one brother dies by falling down the stairs after being sprayed in the face with a substance like pepper...
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    Is the book sista soulja the coldest winter ever 2 out yet?

    If so where can I buy it at?
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    My Ipad wifi does not work?!?

    It only works during your menstrual period.