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  1. P

    fashion/prom help please?

    I love this dress from lipsy, and wanted to wear it to prom: but I think its a bit disappointing that you pay £60 and only get sequins on the front.. can someone please help me find one...
  2. P

    any 100% free dvd editing software?

    i need to edit video from my cannon dc 1000 mini dvd camcorder.i finalized a disc and downloaded some free software.i edited the video and it was unable to publish because i needed to upgrade the software and was $29.99 a month....i only need to edit one video and would make no sense to pay...
  3. P

    Quiz-What Am I? Can u guess?

  4. P

    Fun Games on Internet!?

    heres something fun if your using firefox go to addons and get stumbleupon it looks up random things on the internet its actually very entertaining
  5. P

    Can you play PS2 games on the PS3 Console?

    I was just wondering this because I've heard some people can play their ps2 games on their ps3. Does it just depend on what game it is?
  6. P

    tail lights,headlights,dashboard lights dont work,lincoln navigator?

    There is probley a short somewhere in the system. Sorry, might have to get it checked out, especially with newer cars (2000+) Did you recently install a stero? The dim switch on the Stero could be srewing with your dash and lights. It has happend to me before, although i dont know why, it just did.
  7. P

    Where can I find this picture of Venus?

    I remember a little while back that I read an article on either yahoo, cnn, scientific america....some website that was featuring like 10 new pictures that were taken in high definition and were amazing quality. Among the pictures, I believe, was a photo of venus and its atmospheric cloud cover...
  8. P

    What's wrong with my 1998 Pontiac Sunfire?

    maybe you are right, the fist think that you have to check is the fuel pump pressure, most of the fuel injection cars need 35 to 45 psi to start and when you have low pressure one you turn the car off you will have a lot of problems to start it again and if you step on the gas you can see the...
  9. P

    Chuck Liddell announces retirement , so what's next for him after UFC?

    I could def see him as a porn star
  10. P

    Damn..I must have eaten 10,000 calories the past 3 days, what about you?

    I feel so fat, i want to purge ahha jk, how many cals did you eat?
  11. P

    Do anti-anxiety medicines rid you of inhibitions like alcohol does?

    I know that when I drink, ppl say im more fun bc i talk and just "let loose" (something i cant seem to do when im sober) and have an awesome time. Anyways, do anti anxiety medicines do that? if not, what DO they do bc i cant keep going on being so quiet and not enjoying life as much as i could.
  12. P

    What is a safe way to dye adogs fur. my dog is alot of white and I think it...

    first dye your own hair and see wat look like?. may b it make eassy to u .
  13. P

    What is a safe way to dye adogs fur. my dog is alot of white and I think it...

    first dye your own hair and see wat look like?. may b it make eassy to u .
  14. P

    How do I close off access to the internet except 5 or 6 certain sites

    needed for work? I run a business that needs to access a few internet sites, but the internet is being used too much for personal time wastage. How can I black off everything other than a few select sites?
  15. P

    how long does it take for coccidia to show up in a kitten??

    I have other kittens that seem fine. if I have had this kitten for 3 weeks did she bring it with her or could she have got it from one of the other kittens??
  16. P

    what cream is used for roasica can I buy something over the counter. Also for... age/sun spots?? not freckles but roasica and sun spots and large pores that won't break me out. I have very sensitive skin??
  17. P

    LG Shine owners!! How do you set a custom ringtone for when you get a text?

    I know they have 10 preset ones but how do i make it so that my ringtone plays when i get a text?
  18. P

    LG Shine owners!! How do you set a custom ringtone for when you get a text?

    I know they have 10 preset ones but how do i make it so that my ringtone plays when i get a text?
  19. P

    Do you own a LG Shine?

    I just got mine today and its sexyyy. But it only comes with a book and a charger. I dont know if its durable or not yet but well see. But its sexy for sure
  20. P

    does anyone vacinate there own dog? besides for rabies.?

    It's time for my dog to get his bordatella shot. The vet visit cost 35.00 plus the cost of the shot. Seems like a bit of a rip off. Not that my dog isn't worth it I adore my pet but just like any doc it sucks to show up for 2 min and get a crazy bill. Does anyone give there own pets these...