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  1. R

    Where can i buy Apink naeun samsung s3 phone cover?

    Anyone knows where to get it. Or any website online where i can buy the cover please help :> Thanks in advance !
  2. R

    I need help studying for a biology quiz?

    Ok, you know how a monohybrid cross is the basic punnet square right? well a dihybrid cross is just a 4x4 cross instead of a 2x2 cross. So just do it like you do it with a basic punnet square. R | r | Su | su | - R - r - Su - su and then add them. It's really that simple...
  3. R

    " Dota 2 The International 3 " interactive compendium... virtual item drops?

    " Dota 2 The International 3 " interactive compendium... virtual item drops? Ive read this on about Compendium ... how exactly do you see item drops ? " In addition to making you eligible for special virtual item drops throughout the tournament " will you see the the item after...
  4. R

    anyone knows apps for editing mp3 files on Android devices?

    editors for cutting, trimming, changing volumes, apps that act like Audacity. On Android tablets or phones.
  5. R

    is it possible to get newsgroups for free?

    my ISP doesn't have a newsgroup server
  6. R

    is it possible to get newsgroups for free?

    my ISP doesn't have a newsgroup server
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    N97 Nokia Symbian, What do i do with it?

    Almost 3 years ago, i got this phone. Now i have a samsung galaxy s3 and s2. I dont want to sell my N97, but idk what to do with it! Can anyone recommend any way to change symbian to android, or recommend apps for symbian phones or something? I find the dual stereo speakers bad at quality, so i...
  8. R

    Why does my ex laugh at me??? Please help!!!?

    I broke up with my ex boyfriend a few weeks ago. We live in the same dorm and when I saw him with his friend I said hi to him and his friend so it wouldn't be awkward. His friend said hi back to me and than my ex started to laugh right at me. His friend didn't laugh back. Why is my ex laughing...
  9. R

    Can someone give me a high quality picture of the botched Ecce Homo?

    Hey, I would like to get it printed as a poster, and therefore was hoping for someone to provide me with a high resolution picture of either - the standard botched Ecce Homo - the titanic version where the painting is swapped for the one where DiCaprio is painting a naked Winslet - a Big...
  10. R

    2006 Maserati QP Sport GT vs 2006 MB CLS55 amg vs 2009 BMW 335i?

    ok I have a 2008 Range Rover HSE(paid off) and I'm about to sell it near soon and get a new car, Im gonna trade mine for a new one, I already have test driven CLS and 335i but not Maserati I loved all of them, ok please help me decide I'm 20 year old single guy, I'm not performance guy I'm all...
  11. R

    Why did Demyx from Kingdom Hearts have to die?!?!?

    social justice i guess.....(bad guys get punished cause they are bad) i know it stinks :( im not spoiling the rest of who dies in the game
  12. R

    Which would be better for me a PSP or Nintendo DS?

    if u r older and u can play mature and teen games totally the psp, the online is oka, but it has really good sports a good action games. also the psp is great because you can get movies, tv shows, music, internet browers, pics, skype, camera, and more. the ds is for smaller kids because it has e...
  13. R

    am i lesbian because me and my friend say i love youto each other?

    well we are both 12 and like im pretty sure she is straight and im 100% straight but lately me + my friend have been like kidding (i think!!) after we talk on skype and say like goodnight love you :*) ( :*) means kiss) well yerr im straigt but am i? if this makes sence plzz answer i will answer...
  14. R

    i am kim kardashian yessss or noo lol?

    You better not show that picture anymore or she might sue you for looking to much like her.
  15. R

    What are your top 5 characters you don't like & characters you like in anime?

    Light, because he kills people. Sebastian Michaelis, for sheer awesomeness. Inuyasha, because he's a badass. Monkey D. Luffy, because he's batshit crazy. Ed Elric, because he doesn't like putting up wih other peoples sh*t. Don't like: Vash from Trigun, because he won't kill anybody which is...
  16. R

    Looking for some good books I haven't tried yet. Any suggestions?

    Have you read : The Legend of Drizzt books by R.A. Salvatore? they are fantasy.
  17. R

    Is there a youtube app for psp?

    My psp is hacked and i was wondering is there a youtube app for the psp.if there's more than one please post all.
  18. R

    What should I do for cosplay?

    You should go as Grelle Sutcliffe from Black Butler instead.