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  1. J

    Can someone help me find a cell phone with these features?

    I'm looking for a relatively cheap cell phone that is all touch screen and has 3 megapixel camera. NOT: At&T or T-Mobile .
  2. J

    Speed and length of sprints on treadmill?

    I've started doing sprints on the treadmill, and i'm not sure how fast i should be going or for how long to get the best results. Anybody have any advice?
  3. J

    My vaginal area is really itchy where the clitoris lies. why is this?

    maybe try putting some cortisone lotion on to get rid of the itch, but make sure that it says it is okay to put on that area first.
  4. J

    What's the most healthy restaurant to eat at?

    subway probably as long as you get a salad or a veggie sub with whole wheat bread, and don't get cheese or alot of sauce and if you get mayo make it lite mayo.
  5. J

    ??? what do guys and girls see in eachother?

    im just wondering...... be honest! thanks!
  6. J

    How can i gain weight when i have a fast metabolism?

    I naturally have a fast metabolism, so no matter what I eat, i dont gain weight. but i need to gain weight. How?
  7. J

    Is it OK to use Crest White strips original, then a box of crest whites...

    ...trips premium, a week later? My plan (since i have REALLY yellow teeth) ONCE (not twice) a day the original packet, 5 days a week (miss two days) then wen i finish the original box, i move onto the premium box a week later. Will this harm my teeth? i wont be doing it twice a day, so i...
  8. J

    Is it OK to use Crest White strips original, then a box of crest whites trips

    premium, a week later? My plan (since i have REALLY yellow teeth) ONCE (not twice) a day the original packet, 5 days a week (miss two days) then wen i finish the original box, i move onto the premium box a week later. Will this harm my teeth? i wont be doing it twice a day, so i assume it...
  9. J

    How do you pick up packages from FedEx?

    Like if i go there, what do i ask for ? I can't just say "Oh, i was supposed to receive a package from so and so" , do they need a signature etc?
  10. J

    What food should I eat, not to stunt my growth, but be able to still lose weight?

    I want to lose some extra fat (the unnecessary fat, not to be skinny!) but still be able to grow, what food should I eat that is allowed within a diet of healthy diet of non (or not-so) fatty foods? And how much?
  11. J

    can i disconnect from internet when doing offline installation?

    can i disconnect from internet when doing offline installation?
  12. J

    Can you use a debit card to pay through the internet?

    I want to buy stuff from amazon, will i be able to use my debit card to pay? Will i need a signature etc
  13. J

    How to organize a Charity Fashion Show?

    At my school, im 13. Our school gives alot of money to charities, but I'm sure the kids will want a reason to give the money. So i was planning to ask my homeroom teacher if i could organize a Charity Fashion Show, which no one in my country has seen before (we live very unsociable lives so...
  14. J

    fashion jobs for teens under the age of 16.?

    Well under 16, you can't get employeed anywhere. But you can continue making outfits, and clothing items and you can sell them on ebay. Tell me your account when you do :P i'd love to buy your clothes! You sound enthusiastic and talented
  15. J

    What should I do about a guy spreading rumors about me?

    This guy I know kept asking me out and I always said no because I have a boyfriend. But he started telling people at school that I'm a huge sl*t and that I'm pregnant and stuff like that and that I slept with this guy the first time we met. He said he'd stop telling people that stuff if I...
  16. J

    What should I do about this guy spreading rumors about me?

    This guy I know kept asking me out, but I always said no because I have a boyfriend. Now, he's telling people that I'm a huge sl*t and that I'm pregnant and stuff like that and he said he won't stop until I agree to sleep with him. I have no idea what to do. Any ideas? I don't want to make a...
  17. J

    How do I Scrunch my Hair, like Vanessa from Gossip Girl?

    She doesn't scrunch it. She curls it. But since yours is similar, just take a dollop of mousse in your hand and start from the bottom, and scrunch. Then go upwards.
  18. J

    How do I Scrunch my Hair, like Vanessa from Gossip Girl?

    She doesn't scrunch it. She curls it. But since yours is similar, just take a dollop of mousse in your hand and start from the bottom, and scrunch. Then go upwards.
  19. J

    What kind of food should i avoid to get cheekbones?

    I don't want to starve myself, I just want to have a thinner face. What foods is good for that, and what is bad?
  20. J

    does anyone think the gossip girl style is too extreme for university?

    Well gossip girl's isn't. But yours looks like you haven't matched it well. Don't combine any tops (that aren't plain) with skirts, unless it's a mini skirt. In your case, I'd say that you combine the top with long black trousers (wide legged, bussiness type) And the skirt with a plain white...