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  1. I

    Is Jack and the Beanstalk and Judaism related to eachother?

    Genesis 6: Speaks of Giants Book of Enoch speaks fo Giants and tells us how wicked they are The Jews battled with giants: Goliath was 9 ' 6, King Og of Bashan had a 13 ft bead. Jack and the beanstalk is a fairytale relating to giants.
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    How much does your life suck?

    On a scale of 0-10. 10 being "zOMGWTFBBQ(NOLOL) IT SUCKS SO BAD!!!!111ELEVENONEONE!!!EXCLAMATIONMARK" Mines about 6 at the moment; - No job, - I'm no good at L4D anymore, - Too short, - Not thin enough, - Ugly IMO, - Everyone who's interested in me lives hours away (that's kind of saying...
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    Ryhme Thread KIA did not self sensor, look at it. Edit: winforme?
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    Which religion should I choose to have more friends?

    MM: I'm only interested in the illusion of friendship. Dawnkey: ...and they wear such cool hats! :o) Ichigo:..but I refuse to drink Kool-Aid that I don't prepare myself. Hi, Michelle:o) I've never experienced loneliness. Many do not believe me...but it's true.
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    Which religion should I choose to have more friends?

    MM: I'm only interested in the illusion of friendship. Dawnkey: ...and they wear such cool hats! :o) Ichigo:..but I refuse to drink Kool-Aid that I don't prepare myself. Hi, Michelle:o) I've never experienced loneliness. Many do not believe me...but it's true.
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    Atheists: Can you give me examples of your "Witty" humor?

    I don't perform on command.
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    When did this turn into PokemonNation?

    . The only good ones are the first gens. Yugioh > Magic.
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    Conversion to Judaism and different movements?

    You can be converted to any religion if you believe in it and follow its rules. You are asking here what exactly the rules are. Your parsing of these rules seems very flawed. But who am I to say?
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    Atheists, is it bcos the world religions have been ridiculously pictured by

    Doesn't matter about the Mesa mountain, or the aquarium. Your life is like a spark from a campfire. It will all be gone for you in an instant.
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    how can someone be pure in heart as a christian?what verses (otherthan in the verse

    David was considered "pure" because he slew so many Philistines and cut off their uncircumcised penises for proof to show Saul, the then King. This pleased the Lord.
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    What religion was jesus?

    Jesus was obviously Jewish See also the website cited below.
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    I need help in world religions. (Judaism)?

    Check out the links in the Wikipedia article entitled "Judaizers" as a starting point for your investigation.
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    I keep having dreams about the same person..? Please read. <3?

    The dreams mean you are not finished with this dude. It is so obvious that you will have more contact.
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    Does anyone believe that Angels appears in your dreams?

    The first step in having it interpreted would be to tell what it was.
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    CHRISTIANS: Any prophecies soon to be fulfilled with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan,...

    Matthew 12: 38Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40For...
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    DO you believe?That dreams are predictions?

    There is no way to know if it is a prediction or not. things happen by coincidence, and also your mind might make the dream like the event because you need to believe that you can know the future as that can give you more confidence or secure feeling.
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    Vote or Die! Mofo! Vote or Die!

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    Am i at a higher risk of getting in troube if i download a torrent that...

    I usually get in trouble for newer movies/tv shows. I've never gotten caught for a BBC show though, so you may be safe with Merlin.
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    Chances of a truck Driving Job?

    I have a reckless driving charge that is 5 years old or older. What are the chances of me getting a Job as a truck driver?