Search results

  1. N

    Pokemon Red or Blue?

  2. N

    i will review you as a poster

    bad name and post, but i like the quote. Tolerable. anyway, i'm going to bed, but i will review any who posts between now and when i get up
  3. N

    Home made segway

    because building stilts went alright you think you could build a segway... mk lmk how that works out for you
  4. N

    Football/Soccer Goal Keeper question.?

    no that's a penalty!
  5. N

    I find myself doing this more and more...

    meh, i just drive normal.
  6. N

    Has anyone ever heard of any interesting "Death Omens" or signs that some

    one is going to die? I'm writing a paper for a folklore class and I need some specific examples if possible of things that you may have heard. An example would be, stories about animals who predict seniors in nursing homes are going to die, or a black bird pecking at your window means impending...
  7. N

    Has anyone ever heard of any interesting "Death Omens" or signs that some

    one is going to die? I'm writing a paper for a folklore class and I need some specific examples if possible of things that you may have heard. An example would be, stories about animals who predict seniors in nursing homes are going to die, or a black bird pecking at your window means impending...
  8. N

    Has anyone ever heard of any interesting "Death Omens" or signs that some

    one is going to die? I'm writing a paper for a folklore class and I need some specific examples if possible of things that you may have heard. An example would be, stories about animals who predict seniors in nursing homes are going to die, or a black bird pecking at your window means impending...
  9. N

    Has anyone ever heard of any interesting "Death Omens" or signs that some

    one is going to die? I'm writing a paper for a folklore class and I need some specific examples if possible of things that you may have heard. An example would be, stories about animals who predict seniors in nursing homes are going to die, or a black bird pecking at your window means impending...
  10. N

    Has anyone ever heard of any interesting "Death Omens" or signs that some

    one is going to die? I'm writing a paper for a folklore class and I need some specific examples if possible of things that you may have heard. An example would be, stories about animals who predict seniors in nursing homes are going to die, or a black bird pecking at your window means impending...
  11. N

    God has Facebook?? wtf!!

  12. N

    9mm ar15

    u two are douches...just because the only thing u came to a gun is halo that dosnt mean u have to be a dick.
  13. N

    How do I delete my profile?

    I put my details on here and am trying to take them off by deleting my profile. I cannot find the instructions for doing this anywhere, I've been all over the website many times. I don't actually like the website, it's not at all user-friendly... I can't even find where I can contact them to...
  14. N


    Not NYC
  15. N

    Being a radiologist: Would it mess with my balls?

    Because I didn't think of it? :confused:
  16. N

    Virgin Media, On-Demand - confused?

    I was recently installed with the 'L' package for TV with Virgin Media, and have been watching on-demand programmes as recently as last night... however this morning it's saying 'you will need to subscribe to be able to view this programme'!? I've looked all over the Internet and can't find...
  17. N

    Bushfires in Victoria - is Sale affected?

    Obviously I've heard about the awful bushfires in Victoria and my heart goes out to everyone affected - I just wondered if anyone knows whether the area of 'Sale' is affected? I have a friend there who I've not heard from for a while though I've messaged to ask how she is... I'm in the UK so we...
  18. N

    Prettiest and ugliest celeb on Disney channel and nickelodean..?

    Who do you think is the prettiest and the ugliest celeb out of Disney channel and nickelodean? i just wanna hear ur answers y r those ur answers?
  19. N

    Which phone is better? (rant or rumor)?

    I have a (phone) question..:which phone is better- the rant or the rumor? I read alot of reveiws about these phones and most of them say that the rant is way and um they say that the rumors plain old crap! please tell me your opinion
  20. N

    What do you wish to know about the true Ian?

    why wont u go away? and do you enjoy making lame threads?