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  1. R

    Need a cool name for a fixie bike riding crew?

  2. R

    Any new fashion trends of February 2013?

    I honestly think that when people are wearing the same thing it weird so just wear those hidden wedges and add your own style and then off the shoulder shirts are good just find stuff that's trendy and then put your own style to it or just bring back old trends this generation seems to be doing...
  3. R

    My friend dishes out the dirt about me on Yahoo! answers.?

    ironic you have just done the same thing that you are complaining she did should she now end the friendship??
  4. R

    Do i need a computer programmer to create a good iphone games?

    hi.. do i need a computer programmer to create a good iphone games or applications? thank you.
  5. R

    Have you noticed that people who gossip a lot are really creepy?

    Creepy in terms off they talk about you behind your back yes. You can't trust those people.
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    Moonshine recipe with cracked corn?

    Hi, for "education purposes" I'd like a moonshine recipe that uses cracked corn. The more details the better please. Also things like how long to let it ferment and such. Thanks
  7. R

    I win @ dinner *pics*

    I had a pizza from Dominos.
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    Why do so many people think How I Met Your Mother is funny?

    Ive only watched a couple of episodes and I didn't laugh at all - the jokes were lame and cliched. Seriously, why do so many people find the show hilarious when its not? I find Two and a half men and The Big Bang theory funnier. Not hilarious but definitely funnier than HIMYM.
  9. R

    Is there anyway I can read the 25th anniversary introduction to The House...

    ...on Mango Street? I have the older copy, but I need the introduction for a paper I have to write. Does anybody know where I could possibly find this information online?
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    Ever had a gay rumor about you?

    No one has ever asked if I was if that's what you mean. And even if there has been one unknown to me, screw it. It's not shameful or anything, but I think my boyfriend would have something to say about it.
  11. R

    I'm looking for a specific yaoi manga.?

    It's about a tall guy who is totally besotted with a guy shorter than him but he claims himself as the wife?
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    Should I smoke weed again?

    You should probably stay away from it. If it makes you feel weird and you are afraid of the effects then there's no reason to start smoking again.
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    need a summary for manga another kingdom?

    I've read the manga and all, but I can't write summaries if my life depended on it :S Also the author of it is FUJITA Maki I just need someone's who's read the entire thing before (Volume 1 and 2) to give me a good summary about it from like beginning to end please. Thanks in advance :3
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    Which name do you like best?

  15. R

    Trend Micro Online Guardian won't uninstall?

    Whenever I try and uninstall it, I enter the parent email and password like your supposed to, press uninstall, then it stops responding. I really need it off of my computer. Please, PLEASE help!
  16. R

    Where can I get 100% free ringtones?

    I've done a bit of browsing for free ringtones, but I'm not getting any 100% free ones. My carrier is T-Mobile. Please help!!!
  17. R

    Yesterday I was raped by a guy that I agreed to meet over the internet.?

    You have to tell someone. I know that it's hard but they are only going to want to help you. You will feel so much better after getting this off of your chest. If you know the mans name and have a picture of him you really should report him to the police. He could be doing this to other girls too.
  18. R

    How would a vampire mark a human as theirs?

    For a story. Would anyone have any idea? Please no mean answers.
  19. R

    Is it a rule that famous people have to date/marry another famous person?

    I don't think that it's written in the stars anywhere.
  20. R

    Who's more successful in Hollywood acting? Men or women?

    To even be in hollywood means your successful. I honestly think gender or race doesn't matter in acting. If you can, you can act.