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  1. J

    Craigs list ho game
  2. J

    Last thing you bought from Wal-Mart?

    no. just because people post in it doesnt make it good.
  3. J

    worst thing that could possibly be said during sex

    Too much information.
  4. J

    5000 watt car audio system need help?

    I have two Audiobahn A18001DJ AMPS. Each is 2500 watts rms @ 1ohm. I have four Audiobahn 12's dual four ohm voice coil. model number on the subs is AW1206T. They are the older audiobahn subs. rated at 1100 watts rms. All wires Im using are monster cable, zero gauge power and ground, rca's, even...
  5. J

    Energy Drinks?

    rockstar keeps me up
  6. J

    Windows 7 Gadgets do not display correctly?

    i was using windows 7 gadgets for a while. one day upon the restart of my computer after installing up dates, the gadgets would not display. the only thing able to be seen is a little green box and the X to close out the gadget. i have went to various forums and sites and tried registering the...
  7. J

    I want to force myself to be a lesbian...?

    bitches be crazy
  8. J

    Question about my dog?

    Alright, guys. I need an honest opinion here. Anyone who thinks I'm joking, just gtfo. Now, I've been feeling conflicted lately with these really strong feelings I've been having for this guy, Max. After a recent breakup with my past boyfriend, Max has always been there for me. By the way, I'm...
  9. J

    If people hate Cena, Then why do they complain when Orton gets the push?

    People say that they are tired that Cena is the face and I understand that and how they wish that a real wrestler would take his place (Orton). Orton got the push and he's loved but still pretty bad@$$ in all. Why do people hate Cena AND Orton now? A year ago weren't those same people begging...
  10. J

    I want to buy a free-flight training "DVD" to train my parrot.?

    Please do not give me internet blogs on how to train your parrot on free flight, I need a DVD. An instructional DVD on how to train my parrot to freeflight. thank you:)
  11. J


    i pronouce it with a J, idc what you guys think
  12. J

    How do you set my music files as ringtones on a Samsung Reality?

    there is no option to set songs whether below 30 seconds or not as ringtones
  13. J

    1994 Mitsubishi Eclipse Head Gasket?

    its kinda worth it. a head gasket isnt that much only about 25$ and its easy to fix. if the body work isnt all rusted out and the trannys good and all the buschings it should be a good deal. u just gotta check out whats under the hood before you buy it..
  14. J

    get 4 grand for getting malaria

    damnit why can't Johns Hokpins do this kind of thing Seattle is on the other side of the country :(
  15. J

    Is it ok for a 14 year old boy to use electronic cigarettes?

    thats stupid just go and smoke some weed .tobacco doent do anything
  16. J

    Is it ok for a 14 year old boy to use electronic cigarettes?

    thats stupid just go and smoke some weed .tobacco doent do anything
  17. J

    Thank You ST For Embarassing Myself

    how did it not break the first time? r u ghey? i cant believe u actually tried it...
  18. J

    the funny/commmericans republcians?

    First of all, do you have a method of quantifying that Obama is the Best President Ever? Secondly, people are angry about the stimulus check because of the massive debt it has placed on future generations of Americans, on top of the ridiculous debt W had already accumulated. The government is...
  19. J

    The Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards are written in terms of_____safety...

    ...performance requirements.? minimum maximum moderate marginal
  20. J

    Which One driving technique that could increase your fuel economy is to?

    drive in lower gears under-inflate your tires maximize the use of your brakes avoid unnecessary idling