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    Someone stole my lunch at school

    Next time make a really bad lunch. That'll teach em.
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    Who would win USA or Russia?

    Well i personally wouldn't know, but i hear good things about the US iii dont knowwwww..
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    How angry have you ever gotten?

    I got so pissed once. I broke my mouse and headphones. Then I asked my mom for Cherry Cola and she got regular. So I flipped the fuck out and she called the cops on me and they arrested me.' *Edit* and recently I got pissed because I cant beat forest gump on mini clip table tenis. I almost...
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    Are there any gay male strip clubs in Nashville?

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    What do you think of these names for my dog?

    So yes, I am getting a puppy in September or October, and it is most likely a french bulldog. Do you like these names? I like Chai the best. List: 1. Chai 2. Olivia 3. Alice (:
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    Indian Dog Owners: What do you feed your dog?

    I've seen many Indians feeding milk/curd etc to their dog, which is not only species inappropriate but also harmful. Dogs are lactose intolerant. Now, I know that not even rice and roti are the best of food, but atleast avoid milk/curd and feed them this instead. This comes start out of Maneka...
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    Kids Cuisine

    looks at cholesterol and saturated fat...:dodgy: sounds yummy:D
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    it was me
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    where can I find french language tv torrents?

    Hello I am looking for a site with french language tv or movie torrents. I want ones that will have french audio and english subtitles. Thanks
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    Mothers Day

    I have no desire to see my parents, nor provide any gifts. They never respected me. And now that I have built a life of successful entrepreneurship, my mother can take a number and get in line. -CC
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    Motorola Droid won't let me into the market, asking for weird email?

    I have a Motorola Droid and I'm trying to get an app from the market, and whenever I go to it, a box pops up and says that "I entered the wrong password or my account has changed" then it asks me to re-enter my password. The problem is, the email is a very old one I don't use, and I'm not logged...
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    Should China greatly raise the tax for people who purchase the SUV?

    . According to the Bloomberg Financial news, because of the growth of wealth of Chinese people across China, the purchase of SUV increased 15% from last year. Since SUV consumes lot more energy than other cars and people who drive SUV are simply for personal pleasure or image instead of for...
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    How to help a clumsy dog?

    I got a yorkie-schnauzer mix a few weeks ago. I already love her to death, she's very sweet anfd is an amazing addition to our family. She's easy to train and is very well behaved. However, she's very clumsy. She tripped down the stairs and hit her head on the wall. When she jumped up to get a...
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    Will the mass production of cruise missiles by Taiwan ensure peace in the

    The distance and power of the missiles are good enough to cover the entire japan.
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    Whenever we put my puppy outside, she whines?

    You HAVE to ignore her, that is if she's not actually living out there. If you guys go inside for a bit and leave her out there it's one thing, so yes ignore her if that's all it is. Edit: Sounds like she hasn't been properly socialized, you have to work on that NOW before it's really too late...
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    A pretty funny story (hopefully this is allowed?

    So funny i would give u himelic right away lol
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    Is there a certain age for a pup to stop crying/whining?

    It really depends on the dog, my pup cried when he was first put into his crate but this was also the first night he was home. He settled down after a while and it did take a few weeks for him to realize crate=secure place and now he's fine. The only time he whines is when he has to go out and...
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    any good ds games????

    Are the Imagine ones good? Also can you recommend good ds games, I would like horsey/animal ones. I have nintendogs, super mario ds games, brain training, donkey kong jungle climber, Imagine teacher. Thank you!
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    Bigger Scam: Modern Art or Bottled Water?

    It's possible to survive day to day by only getting water with your meals. If you eat out at a restaurant, the water is pretty much always free. People are too obsessed with drinking copious amounts of water every day of their life. You honestly don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day to...