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  1. L

    Any idea why my Alt-Key code doesn't work in yahoo mail?

    Alt-0174 sends me to another screen instead of the registered sign. It seems as soon as I hit the 7 is when it happens. Other Alt-keys still work.
  2. L

    Who is going to watch Obama's speech tonight?

    I am. Isn't it funny how the losers in the election denigrate the winners and want to retry the failed policies of the losers? Peace.
  3. L

    Why do mormons seem to know so little about their religion?

    If most of them really knew their religion, they would run away from it as fast as they could. That is why they are not taught it until they become elders.
  4. L

    Does Adam ( the first man) have a bell button?

    If we are the image of god, then god must have one. And if he does, then he must have been born, too.
  5. L

    On the nokia sugar bowl broadcasting now on fox they televised a commecial for a

    Didn't see that but How could Utah be leading 21 to 0 with 4 min left in the first quarter?
  6. L

    I am looking for someone who has knowledge of the sacred

    Well, I've studied it in the past and found it to be nonsense. The visions and stuff are being caused by suggestion. Your family believes in something so much that their brain tries to make it true. But it is not true.
  7. L

    I cannot read my yahoo mail. i get message saying internet explorer as

    I get this once or twice a day. The last time was ten minutes ago. I think that I am trying to speed things up by pressing the keys too fast instead of waiting for Yahoo to complete it's tasks. I've noticed this ever since the last Yahoo improvement.
  8. L

    Why don't they show the Seinfeld episode "Puerto Rican Day" on reruns?

    They always seem to skip this episode.
  9. L

    Jesus, Buddha or Muhammad: Religion aside, who was the best of these and worst?

    Muhammad invented a religion so he could raise an army to kill his perceived enemies. Jesus was a nut job who thought he was the son of a being who doesn't exist. Buddha thought that fasting and meditation was the way to whatever, but it wasn't life. I'd prefer Confucius. At least he labeled...
  10. L

    Why are most RELIGION answers reported on here?

    The fundies are b*******. But it is the muslims and mormons who report me the most.
  11. L

    In the newspaper today it states?

    There are a lot of things that we don't need to know about celebrates.
  12. L

    Why are people who were so glad to leave China and come here now defending the...

    They are Chinese first. They came here for economic reasons only.
  13. L

    The World is going to end next ThUrSdAy?!!?

    You should post this in R&S so they can get a good laugh. This is just another reason why religion in general, and religious cults in particular, are so ridiculous, and their followers so foolish. The end of our world will be caused by natural forces, either from the earth itself or from outer...
  14. L

    Should The United States Go Into Pakistan?

    I think you are wrong about them wanting our help.
  15. L

    Question about that recent "alien" video.?

    A hoax only works if someone makes money off it. It sounds like some people will make some dough.
  16. L

    Would you let your kid be weighed as part of a ' government initiative ' ?

    It appears that YOUR government wants to help doctors study the health risks of obesity starting in childhood, with the goal of keeping people healthy their entire lives. Are you against that? The life span of humans has increased over the centuries, but diseases still take a toll on us, and...