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  1. V

    15 Year Old Boy Struck With Thrown Hedgehog

  2. V

    Do you recognize the user above you?

    ive only seen him once today. avy reminds me of gettin fucked in the ass by a footlong. no homo?
  3. V

    My friend is worried.

    Your friend is screwed. Tell him to run. Run far away.
  4. V

    would you ??blank?? for millions

    yes, this.
  5. V

    Do you think....

    Not if it was entirely optional. My own life, or the life of a family member would have to be in imminent danger for me to actually take that person's life.
  6. V

    Is it ok to ...

    :rofl2: Not quite getting your first sentence there mate. Well done on managing to be coherent on your second though :) unfortunately you made a return to asinine twaddle on your third and fourth.
  7. V

    ACTUAL KFC SIGN IN Ridgeville SC.

    Obama special. burnt Chicken and 2 large potatoes
  8. V

    National yound Leaders State Conference???

    I know of a few friends who did the NYLC summer camps in New York and DC. They had a lot of fun doing it, so I say go for it. :tup:
  9. V

    How long should I wait to have sex after Mirena IUD Insertion??

    I'm working in China and I just had the Mirena IUD inserted to control heavy premenapausal bleeding. My (Chinese) doctor says I can't have "sexual activity" for a month - but I wonder if doctors say this in Western countries, or of she is just being conservative. I can't get pregnant anyway...