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  1. T

    if you were to commit suicide

    overdosing on cake, pie, crabs, beer, and buffalo wings. I would go out in bliss.
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    sad Sr. prank

    2 fucking blocks from me! One year the a senior got the master key to all of the lockers. He went to the freshman lockers and mixed up all the locks and I think thats all he had time for.
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    What are the apps in the iPhone commercial (w/ Video)?

    Can somebody give me a list of these apps? Watch this video and tell me.,
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    Any sci-fi story ideas?

    Can you please share your science fiction story ideas? I need some inspiration. I am looking for a half-life/ halo stories that I can use some ideas from. 10 points for best.
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    Worst State in the Union

    i think it would be the funniest if one of the middle states was kicked, then there would be an odd gap in the middle of the country
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    Food Label Thing

    If you cut out a million of the circles and send them to hostess or whatever company made the chips, they will give you a free bag of chips... No, they are just for printing alignment and to make sure that all the colours are mixed and applied properly. In the factories, they just use a timing...
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    could someone please help report my question as rant, I accidentally...

    which question? your profile is private
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    True/False: you can tell if a person is clever usually within 30 seconds of...

    False, but I know straight away if someone is "slow"
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    What anime character would you marry if the character were real?

    jessica rabbit - do you need ask?
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    Hard riddle?Any help?

    he plays baseball and is a catcher , he on his way to work without being changed after playing a game
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    Survey: Are you making good use of all this report!ng?

    Same here! It has really cut back back on my Y!A usage...
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    How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?

    twice a day, floss once a day
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    Parents getting a Separation, kinda confusing

    When your mom is lonely she will get hot and bothered Let her know your down = Win!
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    Legends of the Hidden Temple: Summer 2008

    me plasky and homie(cholo) for green monkeys
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    Email & YouTube Problems!?

    To make it easier for me to answer my messages from YouTube, I wanted to get a gmail account. When I tried to change my current email on YouTube (set to a Yahoo address through a Google account) it told me I couldn't use a email address. Is there any way around this, or should I...
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    Best Superhero?

    Okay so everyone rags on batman for having no powers. what does stark have? a suit, my favorite is ironman but still, he has no powers. just cash money and a suit.
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    My friend and I had the same dream/nightmare...what does it mean?

    My friend and I had the same dream only days apart. In the dream there was an old wooden house with a little boy in a red shirt. he was scared and hiding under the stairs. up the stairs there was an old man who was dead. Then bugs started coming out of the man's body. lots of bugs and maggots...
  18. T

    Logging on on the internet problem!?

    Its an old joke and still not funny