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  1. J

    Clique 09

    What would you prefer, a "furthermore"?
  2. J

    How to conect to the internet on a dvd blue ray?

    When i try to conect to the internet it ask me for this how do i find it Subnet mask Dafaul gateway Primary DNS Secondary DNS
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    does soapy water work for tomato and bell pepper plants?

    My tomato plant and my two bell pepper plants are loosing leaves. The leaves have holes in them that look like worms or caterpillars are eating them. I mixed up a little bit of dawn dish soap and water in a spray bottle and used it on my plants. But when I went to water them today, they are some...
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    Happy Emergency Day

    The one with Michael Burke? I used to love that programme! :p: The main ones that stick out in my mind are a baby that got its thumb stuck down a plughole, and a girl who got impaled on a spike on a park fence. :eek: I had nightmares for weeks after that.
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    How to deal with the confusion after you realize that you had a premonition?

    I feel absolutely devastated. Last night I was playing on Google Maps. I was actually on street view around Tokyo and the area. Then after my husband got home from work I went out shopping for groceries. On the way home I felt this bereft feeling, really depressed and a death feeling. I had...
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    Interesting research topics?

    I'll just hit you with a list of things that I think are interesting: Stem cell research Iditarod race-are the dogs "abused" or not? cloning animals for food white bread will kill you
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    Have you ever tasted your own...

    There was so much of it everywhere, some of it could have been mine I guess.
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    road / wind noise lexus gx470?

    I have a 2005 Lexus GX470 that is making a lot of road/wind noise coming from the rear of the vehicle. The tires were recently replaced, but the noise was noticable before this and new tires did not help. The noise is more apparent the higher the speed I am traveling. I took the car to two...
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    Why are you more oldschool than the person above you?

    I used to be 2k3 oct :(
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    What are some cool and interesting things for a teenage girl to read about?

    Not sex. I like to learn about different things. Somebody suggested to me that I might like to read and watch videos about subliminal messages and how our subconscience picks up on them. I found that really interesting. I'm asking this because I like to learn things, but at school I'm kind of...
  12. J

    What are some cool and interesting things for a teenage girl to read about?

    Not sex. I like to learn about different things. Somebody suggested to me that I might like to read and watch videos about subliminal messages and how our subconscience picks up on them. I found that really interesting. I'm asking this because I like to learn things, but at school I'm kind of...
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    who is this in the picture?

    not the name on the profile but the picture '!/photo.php?fbid=163911990314960&set=a.155753737797452.26757.100000884816066&pid=289415&id=100000884816066
  14. J

    Christians: would you be Christ-like and offer to suffer for non-believers?

    Well, I'm not sinless, so my suffering would ultimately amount to nothing. You forget that that is also why Jesus died on the cross instead of someone else.
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    Anyone have a cool job where they only work like 2 days a week?

    close friday and saturday night at a busy place like outback or chili's or something
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    Who Remembers?

    God I miss that stuff.
  17. J

    About the new iTouch?

    do you need iTunes 10 for the new iTouch? Because i'm thinking about getting the new iTouch. But i would prefer not to get it if i do have to get the new iTunes. So do you have to?
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    joking same thing as lieing?!?!?

    emmely:bros 4 eva Sam: no, I'm HIS step -brother... .Emmely: no ur not.. .Sam Yes i am .Sam no, I'm from another family · .Sam i was kidding .Emmely well not trying to jugde but kidding is like lieing.. · .Nicu ^lol sick jackets ma cuzins, i gotta keep up with u guyzz style. lookin...
  19. J

    theres a sayin?!?!?!?! christians?

    you want the person to go to heaven you love them and you tell them to do right. or how you expalain iit, am i saying it right.?