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  1. F

    Is it ok to have 1-2 cigarettes every 2 weeks?

    Yeah, even a small amount is bad. They're so addictive, you'll end up smoking more and more before you know it, and one day you won't be able to put them down again. Don't risk it.
  2. F

    bluetooth music receiver problem?

    My laptop has bluetooth built in, pavilion dv7 I got this little bluetooth reviver that connects to my home audio system my laptop bluetooth connects just fine with my andorid phone and my android phone connects to the bluetooth receiver but my laptop wont connect to this bluetooth reviver, it...
  3. F

    My Motorola defy cannot recieve calls?

    my mums motorola defy cannot receive calls it is only 2 months old, doesn't get used much from time to time it cannot receive calls, doing this time it can make calls and messages, but it cannot receive calls turning the phone off and on fixes the problem temporarily, but after an hour it...
  4. F

    Motorola Defy, installing app from ZIP, need help ASAP?

    title says it all, i downloaded Bluetooth tools for my motorola defy, the zip file contains a manifest file and many others, where do i: a. put the zip file on my phone OR b. extract the files to in the phone so i can install, this is very important and needs to be done ASAP tx in advance
  5. F

    How can American football be a sport?

    Its a fucking grueling sport why don't you try it yourself you pussy I don't have a problem with other sports but how is Golf and Baseball a sport to me its more of a recreational activity
  6. F

    me and my boyfriend keep arguing?

    me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and he is moving to Austrailia in 2 weeks time, all we do is keep arguing and then it gets blown out of proportion and things get worse, i just don't know what to do anymore! I don't want to split up so close to him going i want him to leave on...
  7. F

    me and my boyfriend keep arguing?

    me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and he is moving to Austrailia in 2 weeks time, all we do is keep arguing and then it gets blown out of proportion and things get worse, i just don't know what to do anymore! I don't want to split up so close to him going i want him to leave on...
  8. F

    What is happening in your brain when you smoke weed?

    What exactly is going on chemically to cause the reactions that occur after smoking/eating/whatever, weed? Half of the population says weed has no adverse affects whatsoever, and the other half says there are so many negative problems that occur from weed smoking that it's just not worth it...
  9. F

    old anime cartoon show in the uk on cartoon net work but i cant remember the name?

    i cant remember much about it but it was about 2 people and a cat that each had a gem stone that could power them up when they needed and they could also combine them to become one person , any help on what the show was called would help please thank you
  10. F

    Vegetarians, fish, and 'stages'?

    Lacto-ovo vegetarians are vegetarians who consume no animal flesh, including chicken and fish, but still consume dairy products and eggs. People who eat milk and dairy and who consume no animal flesh except chicken and/or fish are neither vegetarians nor pescatarians. They simply do not eat red...
  11. F

    Survey..Can you name something taught by your parents ?

    'dont play with your winky in public' i try to always follow this
  12. F

    what do you think the stereo type 12 year old girls life is like?

    in england?!
  13. F

    Bluetooth remote control on phone?

    i have a sony ericsson k800i and i managed to use it as a remote control for my laptop via bluetooth but it only does the cursor and basic functions. is there a way to use the keypad to type in a document or in a browser for example?
  14. F

    Could I put two Clown Fish, Regal Blue Tang, and a Yellow Tang In the same tank?

    regals blues get 1' long, a yellow tank will get 8". neither would be a good choice for a tank less than 75 gallons. even a small tang would not live long in a small aquarium for long. I'd do 2 clowns and maybe a small goby. is a great resource. Ask the tang question there and...
  15. F

    Why isn't my fish eating?

    betta fix will do nothing. you're medicating a fish without and need to do so. there are 100 types of psuedo betta meds out there that do absolutely nothing, that is one. just separate them. you're stressing the crap out of them by keeping that close together. they are continually competing...
  16. F

    Why isn't my fish eating?

    betta fix will do nothing. you're medicating a fish without and need to do so. there are 100 types of psuedo betta meds out there that do absolutely nothing, that is one. just separate them. you're stressing the crap out of them by keeping that close together. they are continually competing...
  17. F

    New XBOX 360 Setup...mac?

    How do I find the mac number now that I downloaded the update?
  18. F

    A celebrity for a day?

    freddie highmore
  19. F

    Holiday romance or fate?

    i met a boy on holiday 2 years ago, he liked me then but i liked someone else and didn't want to know, he stayed in contact with my brothers and this summer just gone we ended up at the same place again, we ended up liking eachother and on the last night we ended up kissing we stayed in contact...
  20. F

    Which of the following celebs are gay?

    well not the Jonas Brothers for sure! thats the last thing they will be. but i think clay aiken is