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  1. R

    Can I download play store apps on my samsung smart tv?

    I own a UN55ES8000 Samsung smart t.v. and I want to download Google play apps .
  2. R

    Did "The Bible" on the History Channel make Christianity look like a sci-fi

    YES in my (no so) humble opinion : the old movies and TV shows reduce whatever moral teaching may be in the bible to a "superman movie" I saw a bit and it twists and distorts the bible stories it is entertainment and as much like religion as TV wrestling is like a sport
  3. R

    Quiz time which rabbi jew said this?

    Not a good hebrew a racist one
  4. R

    History, Judaism, Christianity vs. Gnosticism and Islam - which position is

    NONE is "true" they are all opinions what we call "sacred texts" are human stories I like the zen idea: "the TAO is not the TAO" that is, if you think you know what divinity is, you are wrong
  5. R

    When Obama says "Common sense tax hikes" what does he mean?

    nobody likes to pay anything BUT taxes are the price we pay for civilization no taxes, = no government = anarchy In America the system has always been "progressive " income tax rates. those that have the most pay the highest rates. at times it was over 90% , although the very rich rarely paid...
  6. R

    Is what you're living for worth Christ dying for?

    costa makes a good summary of Christian belief (mostly) but it is still belief. there is no way to tell if if is TRUE or not
  7. R

    What is the right bike size for me?

    Stand over the bike with your feet flat on the floor, if your crotch parts hits the top tube, get a smaller frame. I'll guess you may want to start testing with a 20" frame. Better if it is a little smaller size because you can always raise the seat higher.
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    Should my gym teacher get in trouble for making comments like these?

    no law against looking a very unfortunate remark from any teacher guess what teachers are human, humans are sexual
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    What would happen if Guys were like this lol?

    no sex = no species but given modern biology , DNA, cloning, etc Men can be replaced by 2 gallons of frozen sperm and a BOB (battery operated boyfriend)
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    Would you feel safe as a christian in a Muslim country like Pakistan?

    NO way this is a bad time to be "different" anyplace
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    Why do some taxonomists want to classify some Homo erectus specimens as Homo...

    the devil is in the details at this level it is opinion
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    What does the discovery of the Homo Habilis mean in relationship to the

    "handy man" early tool using predecessor to H sapiens
  13. R

    What did Jesus Christ mean by Him wanting us to store our treasures in Heaven and

    What he meant here is that we shouldn't weigh ourselves down by being tied to our possessions or to make the acquisition of wealth the center of our lives. The heavenly treasure, so it is believed, is ultimate union with God in and through Jesus Christ. That is the Christian belief.
  14. R

    Gas millage of a 1979 Porsche 928?

    Had one. Never better than 13-14 city and 19-20 on the highway
  15. R

    Do muslims have a sense of humour?

    just be glad you do not live in saudi Arabia or a shiria law country the "crime" of insulting the prophet M is enought to merit a whipping at least, possibly death by stoning or beheading the trouble with using the western concept of free speach with people who do not even believe that people...
  16. R

    Where could i buy a handheld laser powerful enough to burn through white string?

    you can find one BUT DO NOT, that much power, even 1/10 watt is VERY DANGEROUS and can easily blind. Lasers are NOT TOYS. if you do not know what you are doing stick with the little red ones 0.0005 watts
  17. R

    Interesting science topics! Read on!?

    bad joke a math major in english class was assigned to write a poem: he wrote : ode to 3.14159... and called it Pi sonnet you need to use your poetic imagination. Shakespeare had some lines in his plays referring to science of the day
  18. R

    If jesus christ was born on christmas than why?...?

    You do realize that NOBODY HAS ANY IDEA what day, what year or where the Man J..... was born? Demand to see his notarized birth certificate
  19. R

    how long before time travel ?

    we have it now every 60 minutes I get one hour into the future Very unlikely that it IS physically possible