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    Christians, all things were made by Jesus (God) for Him. How can He not have

    "He made the wicked for the day of destruction." Intentionally or not, you lifted a verse from the book of Proverbs: "The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil." (Prov 16.4) As you say, God made all things for himself, and yes that does mean that the...
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    Is it ok for celibate gay Christians to wear a rainbow necklace or bracelet?

    Putting your penis inside another mans anus is not forbidden by Christianity. Deal with it, accept it or let natural selection (fact) take its path...
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    Which is the best airline?

    Nope. Its AA! You just ask this question MORON!!!
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    Why Does The Middle-Class Dislike The Poor?

    I live in a middle-class neighborhood and many complain that a great percentage of their paychecks at the end of the week (or month) has to go to support public assistance programs such as medicaid, food stamps, section 8, etc. For years I use to hear "those welfare people are always taking my...
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    Nook vs iPad for torrents?

    Which has more available? I owned an iPad 2 but sold it. Have a classic nook again. Lots of torrents for ePub format, but what about iBooks? I loves reading on my iPad, not so much on my nook.
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    Does The United States Have The Best Doctors & Healthcare?

    If yes or no, why?
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    are army printed jeans in fashion right now? im 19 year old girl?

    They are still in fashion! However its the type of thing you would like to wear once in a while! You feel sorf off misplace in a crowd! Try cargo pants as a alternative!
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    Are the report monkeys really at work today?

    Three questions in a row I have clicked on to answer, and three questions in a row have been deleted. I suppose this one will join them.
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    How can Communism work?

    I love the idea of Communism, and I really think it would be great if it could work, but I don't see how. I hate to be recycling this age-old argument, but how can human nature not contradict the idea of Communism? Without an authoritarian government, what would be motivated people to serve the...
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    Why Do Physicians Complain Of Being Overworked & Underpaid?

    Many say that its too tiring, too expensive, too regulated and too underpaid to continue practicing? Many say that the government & insurance companies have overtaken medicine and will continue to get wore in genera by even replacing medical doctors with Physician Assistance & Nurse...
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    Why Do Doctors Complain About Money?

    Hi guys, I notice that doctors that are in private practice, or salaried hospital doctors say that they're underpaid! However they make a gross income of 6 figures. If that's the case, aren't they all living the lifestyles of the rich & famous with there Cadillac's and yachts? I mean where does...
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    Why Do Doctors Complain About Pay?

    Hi guys, I notice that doctors in private practice and salaried hospital doctors always complain about how they are underpaid! But, at the same time, there earning 6 figure salaries! If they're complaining about money then where is there pay going to? Aren't they living in the "lifestyles of...
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    Is it true Jesus had absolutely no sense of humor?

    You don't attract a large following by being a misery, and clearly he had a following large enough to alarm the Romans.
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    If Doctors Complain About Money, Then What's With The 6 Figure Salary?

    Hi guys, I been hearing on NPR and reading internet articles that doctors complain about they are well educated, intelligent humanitarians, but they complain about being salaried employees and they're underpaid, while union sanitation workers are catching up to specialist with 6 figure salaries...
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    Are Doctors Stressed In Today's Society?

    Hi guys, Are doctors stress in today's modern society? Many blame healthcare reform (Obamacare), others blame the government. What do you believe?
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    Is it me, or do Christians completely ignore, or are uneducated of their vicious...

    QUOTE: "Collapse of the Holy Roman Empire?" I suppose you might mean the Roman Empire. If so, it might interest you to know that modern historians do not take their cue from Edward Gibbon. If you do mean the Holy Roman Empire, it might also interest you to know that that disappeared in 1806...
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    caught between judaism and christianty?

    Talk to an open minded Jewish rabbi, and then talk to a Christian priest or minister who isn't out to add just one more scalp to his collection. Then the decision is yours I'm afraid.
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    Why do theists argue that an atheistic worldview is not good, rather than argue that

    Categories like true and false apply to things like scientific theories. Categories like good and bad apply to things like morality. It is not a good idea to try and reduce one to the other, but reductionists on both sides do it.