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  1. M

    What are some cultural or cognitive differences between humans & animals?

    I need to write a paper about 2 differences between humans and animals. One needs to be a cognitive difference and the other a cultural difference - I would like them to have something to do with gender or women but I'm having trouble coming up with anything. Any ideas?
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    Random pain.. Please help me :(?

    It's a day before my period is " due " and this morning I woke up and had that feeling of gag as if I needed to throw up, and had it off and on thru out the day, my husband and I have been having unprotected sex for a month now.. Today I began getting sharp pains in my right side and now it's...
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    is this legal for a landlord to do?

    So my boyfriend and I moved into a house. We only made a verbal agreement that rent is due each month and only 1 pet. And that was it- no paper work or anything Now apparently, without mentioning this before, he was expecting his rent on the 1st of each month Wichita is really inconvenient...
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    Anyone have neon green pee and green stool from taking GNC mega men

    There must be a high dose of iron within the compound. Completly normal. Just be aware that high doses of iron leads to extreme consitpaion also. To avoid the constapation, drink TONS of water, and add extra fibre to your diet. :) take care.
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    One Direction Fanfic Title?

    Summary: Katelyn Styles is the twin sister of Harry Styles and for years nobody knew, even the boys, but one day Harry drags Katelyn to the studio with him and she meets the boys. The boys immediately take an interest in Katelyn and soon one starts to fall for her but Harry refuses to let any of...
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    What's a good title for a teen romance novel?

    I'm writing a humorous romance novel for teens(I'm 15) and I can't come up with a title. Summary: Emma and Luke have always been close, closer than most 15-year-old opposite sex best friends, so when Luke asks Emma to teach him how to cook over the summer, she naturally says yes. After spending...
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    can i stop my daughter from being bullied on facebook?

    my15 yr old is being bullied on facebook
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    i want to know how do i send a message to the facebook staff about my

    daughter being bullied? my 15yr old daughter has had a baby with a guy who continues to ruin her life she has blocked him and he continues to get people to bully her ,hes taken her freedom from going anywhere public and now to facebook,can i do anything about this?
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    Which Luxury SUV to buy?

    A fully loaded Yukon will have all the luxury will need. Or a Denali.
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    Where can i get interesting books to read?

    Just log on to hope this help
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    If Jesus Christ is son of God, what he has created ?

    Jesus is God and part of the trinity
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    Should I get the iPhone 5 or wait for the 6?

    My parents said they could get me the 5 now or I could wait for the 6. What should I do. I'm not very patient
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    Spiritually Speaking: If you KNEW one religion was right over the others, would...

    If I saw the big guy himself, I'd sooner check into an asylum than I would believe it. If God is all powerful, why can't he convert people without my help?
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    Whoa! Was Cameron Diaz a porn star before getting into movies!?

    I think most Hollywood actors are glorified porn stars. And they all had to start somewhere.
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    i hate girls who like to gossip?

    I really hate girls who like to gossip about others, it pisses me off. Especially how some girls go to one side as soon as u come into the room and they talk with hushed voices with their hands over their mouths, turned sideways from you and with side glances at you. I also hate working in...
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    What Is The Weirdest Place To Have Sex For You?

    What Is The Weirdest Place You Ever Had Sex? Please Do Share... Just Curious ;) .
  17. M

    Why do illegals always complain about America as they walk around with

    flags of Mexico wishing America? Why do illegals always complain about America as they walk around with flags of Mexico wishing America could become more like Mexico ? Illegals always say my parents said I can get a free education in America and now America has an obligation to give me free...
  18. M

    why was the online indicator removed from rogers yahoo mail page?

    Rogers updated there mail page and they removed this feature...Online Presence IndicatorWe removed the icon showing whether your contacts are online or offline with Yahoo! Messenger. If they removed the icon showing whether your contacts are online how are you supposed to chat with them? Is...
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    Can anyone recommend some Romance or Shoujou Anime?

    Im out of anime to watch and I need your help to recommend some for me maybe 5? or more as you like? Anime tht I've watch so far (not all, some I've forgotten) : Vampire Knight : Clannad : Kamisama Hajimemashitai : Inu x Boku SS : Tonari no kaibutsukun : Kimi ni Todoke : Amnesia : Kaichou-wa...
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    How do I update my iPhone 3GS to iOS 6?

    That's right, I STILL have the iPhone 3GS. It sucks! I'm FINALLY getting my new phone ON CHRISTMAS. I'm sick of this. I can't even download Facebook! I know I sound greedy and unthankful. I just want to update my phone.