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  1. L

    What is a good free ringtone maker app for the iphone 4 that will work on the

    updated version of itunes? I just downloaded ringtone maker app on my iphone 4 and i made ringtone on there but when i got on itunes and tried to follow the intructions it gave me on the ringtone maker app, it wouldn't work on my itunes. Im guessing it is bc i have the updated version of itunes...
  2. L

    Can someone find me the picture of britney spears getting out of paris'... when she has no underware on? i'm not a perv but somone wants to see it.
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    What kind of trans fluid to use in a 83 Honda Aero80?

    Is there a specific kind of transmission fluid to use on a 1983 Honda Aero80 NH80 motor scooter?
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    I'm going to a birthday party at a bar and the theme is "the godfather"....

    ...Dress to impress? I've never seen the godfather. What should i ware? ok so i spelled Wear wrong.. you peeps know what i meant!
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    how do i exit the internet on the ipod touch?

    i went on the internet because i just got it and now i cant exit and there is no exit buttons or anything..please help
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    Does anyone work as a real estate sales person from home?

    If so , what does it entail?
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    Whats a good movie to watch? ?

    Im having a friend come over tommorw. whats a good movie we can watch??? thats rated anything except R, please!!!!
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    Rob Nevins' Skinny Switch Secret? Ever try it?

    Has anybody ever tried this diet or no of anyone that has. Just wanting to to know if it works. Thanks
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    Solve this riddle? - it's driving me crazy!?

    A dog waits patiently at the edge of a large wood. If its owner, a man of considerable athletic prowess was to throw the dogs favourite ball into the wood; how far could the dog run into the wood to retrieve it.
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    How do I send pictures via email on my sony ericsson K608i?

    Everytime I try it, it says 'sending failed' or something, am I doing something wrong? Do I have to set the internet settings on my phone or something? And how? Please help!
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    how can you download videos from your file share on halo 3 to your computer?

    are there websites you can download them at or something? can someone tell me how to do it?
  12. L

    where can i watch gossip girl the first season on the pc?

    hey i was wondering where i can watch gossip girl the first season on the pc cus i didnt watch the first season and the new seasons starting in like 2 or 3 days and i wanna watch the first season before the second one so if anyone can help that would be great please and thank you and if theres...
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    Is there any possible way to unlock Sphero by Master locks?

    I don't know the combination because it's pretty old, but I know the serial number...could I maybe go onto their website or something and find it?
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    Where can I find a download of internet explorer 6 or later for my Mac? ?

    I have a lab for college I desperately need but it doesn't work on anything except internet explorer 6 or later.
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    planning a trip to spingfield illinois, need some advise?

    can anyone tell us about the area?? abe's tomb, librabry and museum? looking at stayin at baymont inn on south 6th street can anyone tell me about that area, safety, things to do, places to dine ect...
  16. L

    Is anyone going to Cuba (Trinidad)? I have lost a holiday gift & wondered...

    ...if anyone could get a replacement? I have recently returned from Cuba and while I was there we visited a pottery in the town of Trinidad. I bought a ceramic necklace and bracelet there and have unfortunately now lost it. It only cost a few peso's but I'm really upset about losing it. Is...
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    Can you program a DirecTV (rc32) to run a playstation2?

    Does anyone know if you can program a universal remote to run dvds in a ps2? If so, can you tell me where to find the 5 digit code? If not, it is not a big deal because we do have the ps2 remote, but it would be nice to be able to do everything with one remote. Thanks!
  18. L

    How hard is it to program a digital police scanner?

    I am thinking about buying one but I'm kind of scared to because I have heard that they are really hard to program and I want to know if that is true. I used to have a scanner back in like 1999, before they went digital here and I never had any problem programming the older scanners. I know I...
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    planning road trip from cleveland ohio to west coast, utah, grand canyon, carlsbad

    caverns and down to florida looking for suggestions on routes, lodging, food, attractions, safety advice/concerns, weather, any other suggestions are greatly appreciated. please advise accordingly
  20. L

    i am trying to lose weight, my downfalls are straight after dinner?

    for some reason the more i eat the more i want, i eat a big dinner and im still in the cupboards looking for more for a good few hours after, yet im fine up untill dinner does anyone know why this could be? i have tried having smaller portions throughout the day and having my big meal at lunch...