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  1. D

    How can I make a girl think about me, when were not together or chatting?

    Usually I am the one, who chats up girls I know on facebook, because I think about them. Yesterday a girl called me, she said I just came to her mind. So girls will seek me if they think about me a lot. So what should I say, or do with a girl while I am with her, or chatting with her, that makes...
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    Does an locked verizon iphone 4 work with a t-mobile sim card?

    I want to buy a locked verizon iphone 4 will it work with a t-mobile sim card when I unblock the phone
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    How do I decorate a car with printed paper, books, posters etc?

    My car is a bit of a shed and is never going to look like new. I want to decorate it with paper pages, from my favourite books or pictures a sort of Peter Blake/Terry Gilliam effort, how do I do that? I was thinking some sort of spray adhesive to most the paper and clear varnish to seal it and...
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    Samsung Galaxy Mini 3G?

    I have a Samsung Galaxy Mini, which occasional decides it will not connect to the internet. I try to open it, and it informs me there is "no internet connection" and the 3G lights at the top refuse to turn on. If I turn the phone off/on again, they light back up and I get internet. Is there...
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    can de ja vu be used to tell the future?

    no it can it is just the felling that you have all ready seen or done something but there are some people who say that they have had visions of things happening. i guess it is up to you weather you think it does or not but in my opinion it doesn't.
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    What type of martial arts is right for me?

    Sounds like a very broad description. Generally, Tae Kwon Do is known for their kicks and fast pace, you should check out Olympic Tae Kwon Do videos on youtube. However, being a wrestler, I think that grappling would be the most dominant practice in the mma world
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    Can Queensland Police search your mobile phone without cause?

    Hi, I was wondering if Queensland Police are permitted to search your mobile phone (messages, etc) and under what circumstances they are allowed to do so? Also, can police conduct personal and vehicular searches to a person and under what circumstances? A little background info: I was charged...
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    Poll:Whats your fav. color?

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    Introduced friend's cat to my two cats, and now my cats don't get along.?

    I have two cats that were adopted together and are 5 years old. My friend needed a pet sitter for his kitten, so I followed the standard way on introducing cats (as posted on here), including the whole room separation, sweaty clothes rub-down, etc. Both cats were eager to meet the kitten, but...
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    POLL: htc evo 4G or iPhone 4?

    iPhone 4
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    Netbook gaming on Toshiba NB305?

    I have a feeling I already know the answer for this one, but I just want to ask it because it's NOWHERE else on the internet. ~Yesterday I got a Toshiba NB305 netbook, with the following specs: - 1.66Ghz Intel Atom Processor - 1 GB of RAM (upgradable to 2 OR 4, I believe) - 32 bit Windows 7...
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    my 08 dodge ram wont go in reverse?

    Your transmission is jacked and, no, there is no quick fix. You'll need to get it to a transmission shop for repair. Expect the bill to be around $1400 for a rebuild (which is what's going to happen).
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    need lyrics for a song about my girlfriend?

    i play guitar but I'm not realy that good a writing lyrics and i have know idea where to start and it my girlfriends birthday in couple of weeks and i would like to write a song about her and i need some inspirationion and some lyrics and ideas. thanks :)
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    Do I have to get a data plan with AT@T with an Iphone?

    Yes you can. You can still use it where WiFi is available but you won't be able to use AT&T's 3g network.
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    Why do libs complain about Fox being biased?

    From what I've seen over my long and sometimes happy life all the Media in this country are biased in some way. Fox seems to have the corner on blatant bias though.
  16. D

    can a small 1.6 cubic fridge be hard wired into a semi-truck electric system?

    There are 12v refrigerators available; check with RV and boating suppliers. I believe I have seen some that are dual-voltage (12/120). If you go the 120V/convertor route you should be fine; a good=quality convertor won't burn up as long as it can produce the amperage needed to run the fridge...