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  1. N

    Truck drivers ever honest?

    I have bn dating a truck dri. for 5 mths which I knew him before However when he comes this way he stops in I wash his clothes, we go out to eat, watch movies, sex and rest all in a matter of 5-7 hrs. Then he has to go take his load and says he will b bk to spend the weekend. Alot of times...
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    on the nintendo ds you know ds and download or whatever its called..can you get a

    game off the internet??? the ds and download you can like plkay a game without haveing that game! just curious!
  3. N

    where can i get a rubber blackberry pearl skin?

    im lookin at places like walmart or like the att store cuz i cant buy em on the internet!
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    How can i make fake weed/marijuana?

    Sorry but your not going to find it in your home. They make these cig. and sell them at tabacco shops that smell like weed but you dont get high.
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    Wtf is vision data? I have an unlimited messaging plan for sprint and im

    high speed internet So your being charged for internet connection. Just call and tell them to cancel that part See if there is a cancel fee
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    I'm downloading something from a torrent and i really dont know how that really... .. can anyone explain? i've download utorrent but it still does not work.. and i got it from d-addicts. i clicked on it and can only hear the sounds not the see any images.
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    1984 Dodge Rampage. Help Fast Please =]?

    Hi. I have to decide by tonight whether or not to buy a 1984 dodge rampage. I dont know anything about these models, as they are pretty rare. im going to use it for a winter car/truck so i can store my camaro. hes asking 700 for it. good deal? is it worth more or less? ALSO it has a cap for the...
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    live by grandchildren? ?

    No one can tell you what you should do cause onlyy you know all of the situation, not us. It would be nice to be around your grandchildren, as I have 2. Mine r only 45 min. away. Just dont let the parent use you all the time. You need your space too. Be able to say no if they continue to...
  9. N

    My brothers & I are having serious issues with our mother,can anyone give some

    Your mom sounds like she may be on drugs. Snoopp and find out and get her help. Dont sign anything. If she wants to get mad let her. Dont argue just walk away. Tell your brother to go to Dr. and get something like Cymbalta to deal with this depressing matter. It really helps. It releases...
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    Nissan is trying to repo car after they said they gave more time?

    Nissan does not communicate well within their customer base This I know all too well. They would love to have the vehicle with only 7 pymts left. He best get the money together ASAP and send it overnight or next day. They told my sis the same thing and they came and got hers with little...
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    problems with virgin mobile phone?

    virgin mobile phone screen went blank while talking, cant do anything except turn it off or on. nothing on screen and none of the buttons do anything. Anyone have a clue. Money is on the acct so thats not it. Battery is charged. Any other suggestions?? Cant talk or receive calls nothing.
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    LG VX8600 bluetooth security code?

    What would my bluetooth security code be for this phone?
  13. N

    Motorola sbg900 ip address change?

    How do i change my ip address with the Motorola SBG900 wireless modem??