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  1. J

    How is this Possible

    i think they're being sarcastic lohan for best mom????
  2. J

    What is the most reliable Smartphone out there?

    I want to say the Z10 & those things are reliable. But probably the Nokia. iPhone 5 is not reliable.
  3. J

    Are Arrow 2 into1 Exhaust System street legal in California if my Bike is

    If you are presently a California resident you are going to have to register your bike in California, so the issue will not arise.
  4. J

    Are you pleased that Rhode Island just legalized gay marriage?

    In our society with shootings, bombings & explosions--EVERY type of love between two people needs to be encouraged.
  5. J

    can i record from a DVD onto a Separate Free view recorder if so how do i do it?

    if the player has a scart lead & the recorder has a scart input ..................
  6. J

    Where is a good place to meet a potential partner?

    ya??? hahahahahaahahaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  7. J

    How to clean a used Bluetooth headset? The ear piece does not go into the ear

    just over it.? How to clean a used Bluetooth headset? The ear piece does not go into the ear just over it. It is the Motorola H350. There is no ear bud, the device just covers the ear. I was thinking to take a cotton ball and put some rubbing alcohol and wiping the hell out of it. That and...
  8. J

    Help with PSP custom firmwave?

    I haven't used my psp for nearly a year, the current firmwave I have on it right now is 5.50 GEN-D3, today I downloaded Madded 12 and put it in the ISO folder, to my surprise it didnt work, I realise I need to update the custom firmwave on it but since it has been so long I have forgotten how to...
  9. J

    Help with PSP custom firmwave?

    I haven't used my psp for nearly a year, the current firmwave I have on it right now is 5.50 GEN-D3, today I downloaded Madded 12 and put it in the ISO folder, to my surprise it didnt work, I realise I need to update the custom firmwave on it but since it has been so long I have forgotten how to...
  10. J

    Help with PSP custom firmwave?

    I haven't used my psp for nearly a year, the current firmwave I have on it right now is 5.50 GEN-D3, today I downloaded Madded 12 and put it in the ISO folder, to my surprise it didnt work, I realise I need to update the custom firmwave on it but since it has been so long I have forgotten how to...
  11. J

    Hurrah! MAP is back!

    Aye, I've been getting that message on and off all morning.
  12. J

    Is a Dodge Intrepid a good car?

    I am looking at 01 to 04. I like American sedans. The looks of the Intrepid are okay, but it seems to drive very nicely and is pretty responsive. Are they reliable?
  13. J

    so uh, yeah soap.

    get out cunt.
  14. J

    If you could combine any 2 animals...

    Bird + bird Rough sketch
  15. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm a big 'fan' of "Totesamazeballs"
  16. J

    why is cigarette smoke lethal to plants?

    No one should smoke, but lots of folks do. Nicotine kills insects, not plants. I'll post sites for you to pervue:
  17. J

    240sx Honda Civic or Mitsubishi Eclipse?

    the honda i think is more reliable but if you put a turbo or a supercharger on it it would be better of the 3
  18. J

    what is the most hp i can get out of a honda s200 4 cylinder?

    and also if you can send a link to how i can get it there feel free
  19. J

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays

    Taking "God" out of the Holidays Really? That is news to me! How does the US government, your media, your schools, and your institutions propagate Christianity? I beg your pardon, but I (as a non-American) get a very different impression. Since when has American media made an article that...
  20. J

    How neighbourly are you?

    Also while we're at it, I would never hand a stranger my mobile phone. That's a common mugging tactic, hi can I borrow your phone? Sure, *stranger runs away with phone*.