Search results

  1. R

    Relationships over TSR...

    :hahaha: ignore list
  2. R

    st, what do you drink?

    mixed drink KoolAid?
  3. R

    What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

    no of course not. Girls has cooties :dodgyrun: Would you headbutt a brick wall?
  4. R

    What is a "k**b"?

    What is a "k**b"? 69 ;)
  5. R

    Super Tacobell Adventure Number 2.5 (56k Gtfo)

  6. R

    If the internet were a pizza what flavor would Yahoo Answers be?

    (ex. pepperoni, cheese, meat lovers...) I would say that it would be a slice of Pizza Margherita. I say this because Pizza Margherita is the type of pizza I have when I want to get away from the usual things in life and have a little fun. Just like what yahoo answers is for me.
  7. R

    Riddle, first correct gets best answer?

    Because He Felt Like It.
  8. R

    If you were to meet an Extraterrestrial what would be the first thing you say?

    I would probably say, "Whoa!" or "I am not going to harm you."
  9. R

    A little riddle for you to ponder....?

    "Railroad crossing watch out for the cars" How do you spell that with no R's?
  10. R

    how can i marry a celebrity????....?

    Go to a movie Premiere and pull a Borat.....wrap the celebrity in a sack lol. Borat did it to Pamela Anderson. very nice!