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  1. E

    Crazy Things You Have Done

    Did this just about a weak ago. I went to a wedding with my wife. Two girls who used to be on her staff were getting married.It was a same sex wedding. No problem to me BUT a loudmouth guy was making comments from a nearby table getting laughs from his friends. The first waltse was called and...
  2. E

    Is this true?

    Yeah, because some child molester is going to be able to sway the opinion of the public with a few well chosen words on a website. Get real! I'm not sure what you are saying here, are you making a joke? are you suggesting I dont understand what the term means? are you agreeing with me...
  3. E

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    By the way it is helpful when quoting to make the source clear, so that we can all understand that this is an opinion piece, not a statement by the Israeli government.
  4. E

    Unique ways to ask somebody out.

    "im not a doctor, but i can pop cherries" "im not fred flintstone, but i can make your bedrock" "That shirt is very becoming of you. If i was on you, id be cumming to."
  5. E

    Unique ways to ask somebody out.

    ask the girl thread or else just grow some balls and ask her out on a date, it wont make a difference if it's a "cool" way or not.
  6. E

    Have you ever done drugs?

    i want to get some shrooms :( ive done nitrous weed oxy cyclones DXM and others i forget
  7. E

    the resistance manifesto & homosexuality

    the resistance manifesto & homosexuality
  8. E

    Dragons, were they real animals?

    Was it Richard Owen from the fantastic city of Lancaster who in fact began using the term dinosuar?
  9. E

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You need some Olympic weightlifting to help with your explosive posting - just beware of the neck pain after the first few sessions.
  10. E

    TV license questions (UK)

    Hi All Reading this has just made me dig out my TV Licence and on the back it has a nice little one liner that says you need a TV licence "to install or use any equipment to receive television programme services - for example a television set, video recorder, set top box, PC with a broadcast...
  11. E

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Thank you for sharing that. I'm working on a similar goal and that was a great motivation.
  12. E

    How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?

    Wow, six? Did you eat shit all day by any chance? And twice a day here. Floss at night too.
  13. E

    eugenics thread.

    Personally, I’d much prefer it over eugenics assuming that the technology was dependable.
  14. E

    U.S. Drones Killing Citizens Without Due Process

    Yea from reading further it seems you're probably right. That's the thing about constitutional cases though, they're repeatedly getting challenged and refined which is either good or bad depending on your perspective. Thanks for the info. Interesting stuff.
  15. E

    The Great Office War

    I read that in a Mr Burns accent, did you type it as such?
  16. E

    Should women cover up?

    Exactly it's all about the person. Don't get me wrong though I agree with what you said but isn't funny how up-scale businesses use the same analogy when they hire employees. I've been doing some reading on marketing strategies when advertising for a brand of clothings and hiring employees...
  17. E

    Wild accussation

    liero is the reason the democrats lost so badly in the elections this week.
  18. E

    Xmas has been censored again

    I've had Mr Brain's ******s, and very tasty they were too.
  19. E

    The Battle Picture Thread

    That wasn't thread sealer, that was hemorrhoid cream
  20. E

    Anyone with a 1999 Toyota Yaris?

    What repairs /parts have you had to have replaced