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    Test your response time

    Bobbing bobcat
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    Do you like graphic art ???

    woow some of these are amazing. i love art in general. the one thing i wish i could do was anime... i think its fantastic
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    The Shit You Do And Dont Get In Trouble For

    i think he means like people group up and their is a big team of 300? or maybe thats how many people play? idk
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    Fun zombie-killing flash game Stops at level 20. Sequel:
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    Bradley Manning sentenced

    I think we can all agree Piers Morgan should be in jail.
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    Soldier murdered in London

    Personally I don't think there is much of a distinction between the two outside of the latter having super-natural connotations.
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    America and the Olympics

    You tell em Cpt Anne... why dont we try to recognize the people who really represent the spirit of the olympics, instead of constantly harping on those that dont meet our exceedingly high expectations.... Plus, these NBA guys were the only ones willing to go. I mean, they have a long season in...
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    preggo man! WTF?!

    If he were a true man...He would inherit Disneyland.
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    Happy Birthday Kickchick!!

    Happy b'day Kickchick - have a good one |Cain|
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    First World Problems

    I have salt on my boots. How did it get there? WHO KNOWS
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    Pissed and Pregnant

    Well.... S-P....maybe yer right. Maybe I'm missing something. If thats the case how is it that the girls got pregnant when there is a Drug store on pratically every corner? I have come to strongly distrust that old saw about how it was "Oppsss" and then the girl is pregnant. Maybe 100 years ago...
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    Imagining the Tenth Dimension

    Fool, its 3:57 Am and I'm on ST. Of course I'm bored enough to write all that shit out and either way if you are the "real" EFG or not just don't start no shit wont be no shit.
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    today sucks

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    Gang jump gay police trainee

    Ah fair play, like I said it was just an idea based on stereotypes. Sadly mate that seems to be minority (no point to this bit) wasps are the only animal I'm really scared of and that's cos i was stung by one when I was a kid and it was quite a shock. Was trapped under my clothes and was...
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    Florida and beaches

    I live in Tampa and I used to live in Melbourne (a city on the east coast of Florida). Having fully enjoyed beaches on both sides of the state, I can honestly say that I prefer Tampa. That being said, I don't like to surf or be around a lot of people.
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    biceps/triceps workout?

    Hi guys so my question, how many SETS should i do my benchpres and bicep dumbells? I'm doing 5 sets of about 8-10, but i think 3 sets would be preferable, anyone can advise me?
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    Travel to Armenia..risky?

    Hello, i have a question for you. I'm willing to travel to Armenia this summer, but the problem is that i'm 20 (recently turned 20) and i was born in Armenia but i left the country where i was 8 and live in Canada you think there will be any problems at the airport with the army? I'm...