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  1. G

    what is... lol @ gateroid
  2. G

    Whats in Your Pockets Right NOW ST?

    asthma medicine and cell phone
  3. G

    physical tomorrow...

    LMFAO!! BTW: No matter how ugly, female doctors FTW!
  4. G

    Computers surpassing humans

    Defining intelligence might be harder than creating AI, do you want to replicate a human (what's the point in that? loads of us) or do you want something/someone? that knows everything and can come to a logical conclision based on all known availible facts. "Did you ever wonder whether...
  5. G

    7 y/o steals car because " he wants to do hood rat things wit his freinds"

    7 y/o steals car because " he wants to do hood rat things wit his freinds" great kid. :tup:
  6. G

    What do you like?

  7. G


    It's like the size of my dick....
  8. G

    How many countries can you name in 5 minutes?

    Afghanistan, Albania, Antarctica, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Madagascar, Mexico, Morocco...
  9. G

    Meeting Ryan Sheckler tomorrow....

    thanks dick face
  10. G

    Elaborate Bank Heists

    o and this song will help you to
  11. G

    Green Egging and Ham- *Pics**shens**lulz*

    Ahh the way 13 year old kids feud against each other in such odd ways.
  12. G

    No more embarrassing Christmas jumpers...

  13. G

    Which deodorant works the best??

    arrid xx
  14. G

    FAO Frodo

    WHAT??? How dare you sir? The re-imagined Battlestar Galactica is pure unadultered adult drama, far removed from the cheesy Star Wars rip-off that was the original. Also Farscape was painful to watch, you might as well have mentioned Andromeda... Saying that Lexa Doig is...
  15. G

    What if there were no humans

    Man, what a great world that would be. Imagine bears riding their bikes... Using toilets... Working on their tans... Singing YMCA... Having a few beers... Having a few too many beers... The morning after way too many beers... Man, life would be great.
  16. G

    This week, in my alternate universe...

    Actually, you call a scotsman a pure bam And Tosh, since you helped me with my SQL problem yesterday, I'll let that comment go. (Ya wee bam )
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    What gets you fired up?

    I drive the speed limit listening to angry, angry music.
  18. G

    What weird or random thing have you learnt today?

    They say you learn something new every day. So, what weird or totally random thing have you learnt today? I'm not talking MA or school stuff, talking totally strange things or absolutely random stuff. For example, I randomly discovered that sand is strangely attracted to DC trainers while...
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    14K of quality

    Funny when in Australia, I don't remember that kind of talk. It seemed more sophisticated to me, but that was 47 years ago. Mate and all that comes to mind.
  20. G

    British Fritzl. your thoughts

    I believe in the Death Sentence. You can't possibly say with a straight face that people who kill and rape and do all the horrible things people do to each other deserve to live? This guy deserves to die. And not in a clean sterile way.