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    Throw Down Your Best Jokes

    okay.. a woman goes into labor on march 31st, and its a long instensive labor that she passes out at the end of. she wakes up the next morning and asks the nurse if she can see her baby. the nurse says okay, and walks out of the room. when she returns, she drops the baby to the floor, kicks it...
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    my nuke > your chainsaw (I WIN!)
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    The virtual world just got a little bigger

    I feel like I keep harping on a theme here but jeez... science fiction becomes reality. It bleeds over into every day life the more we move forward. I'm sure there's any number of criminals caught by technology that never figured they'd be caught in such a manner. Even technology like Facebook...
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    anyone else in st in the coast guard?

    dont you have to swim like 40 miles?
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    Release for the Kanjani 8UPPERS concert DVD?

    kanjani had an 8UPPERS concert and I was wondering if they are going to release a DVD for it. and if they are around what month of the year will they? thanks
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    I broke my hand

    well it was more than that, i had to have my foot raised the whole time (still do) cuz it was so swollen, and just the fact that i couldnt drive and ride situation was hard, and it was just community college we decided to just withdraw from the semester. i could pro do it now, but 2 weeks ago i...
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    You mother fucking cock sucker. :( You've honestly just broken my heart.
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    In a cross country meet is it smart to try and keep up with the fastest runner... cross country? He runs the mile 45 seconds faster than me and in cross country he beat me by a minute last year in conference in 1 and a half miles and this year we will run 2 miles.
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    referendum on Europe

    Having a population of 600 million is of little good if their spending power is limited because they have little disposable income. Consumers in the UK on average spend more per person than almost anywhere else on the planet. When you're talking about markets in terms of the size of the...
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    I need DVD editing software?

    I have several DVDs with double features on one disc. I want to burn the individual movies onto separate discs so I can organize my movies alphabetically.
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    I need DVD editing software?

    I have several DVDs with double features on one disc. I want to burn the individual movies onto separate discs so I can organize my movies alphabetically.
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    is it possible to back up a full 320 gb hardrive to a single dvd or not?

    A regular DVD has a capacity of 4.7 gb, a dual layer is double that. So no, 320 gb of stuff won't fit on a 4.7 gb DVD, however your personal stuff may be only a few gbs (not your whole hard drive size) which you could save.
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    smoking is dangerous

    Had a good laugh
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    What imagery of soldiers/warfare/military service did you grow up with?

    Hmmm.... Aside from an older gentleman who survived a concentration camp and a kinda whacked-out Vietnam vet who didn't talk about his tour of duty (although he taught me to shoot), I didn't really have any personal experiences with the military until I was in college. I had one fraternity...
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    what was the song in that commercial for The N with Ciara?

    A few years ago there was this promo for The N; some was guy dancing, badly, to this slow R&B song, and then Ciara came out and taught him how to 1, 2 Step. Does anyone know the name of the song he was dancing to before Ciara came out?
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    what was the song in that commercial for The N with Ciara?

    A few years ago there was this promo for The N; some was guy dancing, badly, to this slow R&B song, and then Ciara came out and taught him how to 1, 2 Step. Does anyone know the name of the song he was dancing to before Ciara came out?
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    girls, is this funny or not?

    I was in the backyard with my younger sister and her friend. Her friend had a tape recorder in her hand taping dumb stuff. So I was on this balance beam trying to impersonate a gay male gymnast. My sis then says...hey catch! I caught the ball while i was on the balance beam but lets just say...i...
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    Baseball Trivia........?

    1. Randy Johnson 2. Dwight Evans 3. In tribute to Willie Mays 4. True 5. Lou Gehrig
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    How soon in advance do you order internet/cable for a new house?

    How many days before the closing do you need to schedule?
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    How much is a used 2005/2006 Trek 3900 Mountain Bike worth today?

    Found this bike on craigslist, guy wants $99 for it, said he paid $185 for it last August. He says everything works fine, I'm going to look at it and maybe buy it later. Anybody know?