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  1. F

    Why do liberals call me insane for believing in a one world satanic shadow...

    ...government that is crypto-marxist? Is it because liberals are in deeper than the rest of them? Have they truly fallen for the notes that the puppeteers play upon their strings? Learn more at
  2. F

    The Confession Thread

    What I was thinking. You have to go first, Lily!
  3. F

    Why will BMW never equate Mercedes in quality?

    Why is that? Are they cutting too many corners these days?
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    The blatant lies thread

    Aegis really likes that thing I do with my cheeks.
  5. F

    Starbucks Coffee to triple the number of coffee shops!!!!

    Preferably with Dick hunting a-fowl ( ) with a 155 howitzer. Just 'cause I'm American doesn't mean I can't dislike the current administration, even if I have to follow the executive orders of the chimp.
  6. F

    Cliques that you hate V2.

    I hate the rednecks at my school, not the cowboys, but the rednecks. And the grubs. They are the shady looking type that are ALWAYS outside smoking, and drive piece of shit trucks with sony xplod sound. Other than that, I have friend in all the other cliques (preps, ski/snowboard, skate/bmx, nerds)
  7. F

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I am asking you specifically when you were tailed by unmarked cars, what was the given reason for it. Of course if you look out of place, people's radar will be turned on. That is different from racially profiling someone. That assumes that they are up to no good just because of the color of...
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    Chasing with monster?

  9. F

    Barbara Hewson - evil or just plain stupid

    To what age? I have issues with someone old enough to be a parent/grandparent having relationships with teenagers who are impressionable. But I don't have issues if the age gap is minute. Someone mentioned age of consent in Spain, I think it is 14, but (perhaps mistaken) for someone under the...
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    What do you do when an earthquake hits

    i just fap it out......
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    There's really nothing we can do, the legislators will do what they want anyway.
  12. F

    I have alienated a female

    and I wish I was like you. I got a stomach that pokes out and yours is nice and flat.
  13. F

    Anyone else taken the Chem. Regents today?

    the fuck are you talking about?
  14. F

    Is my girlfriend ignoring me/losing interest?

    Note: I'm not sure if she even is my girlfriend. We've gone out three times. She had been texting me daily prior to the third date. Since the third date (2 days ago) she has not contacted me. 3rd date: She took me out with her friends, but she didn't introduce me to them and pretty much...
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    "Swagger" Oh that's for the girls to decide haha , I don't judge myself.
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    Is a Big Nose a Turn Off?

  17. F

    Deer owns hunter

    Bwahahahaha! Go deer!
  18. F

    Talk with bucket?

  19. F

    Do you think someone at Long John Silver's has a sense of humor?

    I haven't seen a Long John Silver's anywhere in South Florida, are they out of business?