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  1. N

    Hey small talk,

    Hey guy, that's not cool. This thread is about chillaxing and some of the coolest things ever, so if you don't like it, you can, like, not post bad stuff ok.
  2. N

    Walken for President... Yes, its official. Another celebrity in politics. I like his message but this is politics and politicians do lie...a lot. I think its getting ridiculous that celebrities are running for offices. Im thinking that some of their votes come from the fact that people...
  3. N

    Twins Fight Over Who Is Uncle & Who Is Dad

    Twins Fight Over Paternity Of A Love Child JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., May 21 (UPI) -- Missouri twins Raymon and Richard Miller are unsure who is the father and who is the uncle of...
  4. N

    Incredible Sniper Marksmanship (video)

    Cue the bump post:
  5. N

    Post your Pet!!!

  6. N

    Peeing in the shower. Acceptable?

    It's a one way street.
  7. N

    Have you ever done drugs?

    To weed? Getting addicted to things is for morons. Easily avoidable if you're not a bitch.
  8. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    I'm a ninjer, I have grappling hooks and climbing boots...
  9. N

    UK National Lottery

    Its a scam. Theres only 1 national lottery in the UK and you have to pay for the tickets (wether you buy them online or not) Anyone who tells you youve won somthing which youve never paid for, is most likely trying some sort of scam, especially if you dont even live in the country its supposed...
  10. N

    The American Infallibility Complex

    It matters because there is something of a state sponsored ethnic cleansing campaign being perpetrated against Palestinian Arabs living in Israel. They're routinely forced from their homes in Jerusalem by the courts because the Israeli government passed a law that allows Jews to claim property...
  11. N

    Rate the location above you V1.00000

    Sounds like a nice place. 8 FL for me.
  12. N

    Ladies with muscles

    5) Wedding tackle
  13. N

    Opinion of Previous users Avatar

    I don't mean this in an at all offensive way, but you chose your username well for your looks
  14. N

    Broken bones?

    I never claimed to be Dr. awesome... However, I've been studying martial arts since I was six, and currently hold two black belts. And yet, I have never broken a bone... So, one last thing: Why/How the hell did you get your fingers broken so often? All fingers twice over? 16-20 broken fingers...
  15. N

    Nucelar fusion coming soon?

    LOL - your belief system is abysmal! Have you ever calculated the costs of using coal? Nope, not the cost of cleaning up, I am talking about the cost of replacement (and that applies to oil as well): At 1% interest per year, the financing for 100 million years of your raw materials only will...
  16. N

    Advice... peeing outside when you're hiking... girls?

    1] bring tissue with you - we girls always have dribbles 2] used tissue goes home with you in a plastic bag - ever heard of pollution? 3] to squat and pee - be sure feet are separate so you don't pee on your shoes 4] wear stretchy pants so you can pull panties and pants away from you while...
  17. N

    it hurts when i wee and i was bleeding very lightly for 2 days a week after

    1] see your doctor 2] could be a bladder infection, or something else 3] anyone who has sex COULD get pregnant - use contraceptives
  18. N

    What kind of shirt (style, color) would you wear with this skirt?

    1] Add a fitted cami, tank, tee, blouse, or slim sweater: pink, magenta cherry or burgundy lemon mint, jade, emerald, pine turquoise sky, sapphire, smoke blue lilac, purple, plum 2] and girly flats or heels - not tan oxfords!
  19. N

    What colour/style makeup should I wear with this dress?

    1] Eyes: shadows - aquas, or purples of dress liner - teal or plum mascara - black or black-brown 2] face: cheeks - pink, coral, or rose 3] mouth: lips - pink, coral, rose, berry, cherry, or plum [ not with purple shadows ]
  20. N

    How many people would you sleep with?

    1 Does it matter? Yes No No 3 years No, No, None 1