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  1. E

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    I have ultra high protein soup. Yay.
  2. E

    Possession ticket while driving California. HELP!

    Yes it does. Now thats two stupid things youve said.
  3. E

    Man cuts off penis in restaurant!!

    Come on guys. We've all been there and some time or another.
  4. E

    2010 or 2010?

    oh 10
  5. E

    Rate the poster above you

  6. E

    pop vs soda

    If you call it a coke, yet you want for example, Dr pepper, do you say "I want a coke dr pepper?"
  7. E

    Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital

    "I want to have a daughter" "Sorry hunny some guy stole my dick remember"
  8. E

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    The epic bat-rabbit
  9. E

    Mornington Crescent...Join the fun!

    Not so fast sirrah! I flump your ruse and shuffle merrily to Ongar Prince Voltan's paradox will apply to all subsequent activity south of Angel Islington - DIVE!!!!!!!!
  10. E

    Things are getting rough

    Logout is at the top right of every page, besides which if you close the window and reset your browser and remove cookies you automatically become logged out. A ban is a withdrawal of the privileges of membership, ie posting, viewing images and embedded videos, and messaging; it doesn't stop...
  11. E

    what major city you reppin?

    fuck you
  12. E

    Loch Ness

    I come from Inverness originaly (going back today for a day or so with the parents), about a 20 minute drive from Nessie herself!
  13. E

    A day in the life of a mod

  14. E

    Men vs. Women in Sports

    I disagree on the anatomical differences. Look at the Olympics. If women were unfit to compete in most sports, they wouldn't exist in the Olympics. But in the Olympics, women compete in everything from ice hockey to taekwondo to soccer (football) to biathlon to marathon. The list of sports...
  15. E

    Your pet peev?

    After an hour - probably. Re: getting woken up. This is especially bad when it's someone else's bassline that wakes you.
  16. E

    Got fired

    Arnoo you're sounding exactly like someone who has never experienced real depression be it personally or via association with someone close to you, basically you don't have a clue. Notice I said real depression, feeling down isn’t being depressed, feeling at a loss with your life isn’t being...
  17. E

    RBS 6 Nations 2009

    I'm not over confident though,the French are tough.
  18. E

    The Battle Picture Thread

    You want I should let you off the hook?
  19. E

    Channel 4 alternative message (well done)

    SiAz, When are you actually going to make an argument instead of parroting the same old emotional driven propaganda. Ironically it is you that are presenting things as black and white (e.g. western governments are for some reason to be despised, therefore anyone associated to them, such as...