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  1. S

    Hurricane Katrina

    Right, looking through this timeline several massive inconsistencies between the public statements of officials and the actual facts are fairly obvious. First, the Superdome is clearly not prepared for the influx of people, with 4 people dead by the 30th. Secondly, if there are 10,000...
  2. S

    fault on my panasonic 3d blueray player model DMP-BDT220?

    I have a 3d panasonic dvd player panasonic dmp- bdt220 model and when i watch bluerays in 3d i get a horizontal red line at bottom of tv screen.It is ok if i watch without 3d turned on.Anyone know whats causing this any help would be much appreciated.
  3. S

    post yer top three sites

    MAP the student room the other thing is not really a single site, i click the "stumble" button in firefox (install the stumbleupon extension and give it a go)
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    What should I eat for dinner?

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    Walmart sleepover

    i thought you were leaving ST? I guess not.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    hamstrings, Y U NO RECOVER QUICKLY? i miss being able to walk properly
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrr! I had a crappy lifting session tonight. I couldn't get my 85kg deadlift, struggled with 80kg and 82.2kgs and had to resort to negatives only on my pistols. Grrrrrrr!
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    Capital Punishment

    Unless you happen to have media attention on your case, eg Myra Hindley, and then you will be incarcerated till death (as i said in one of my first posts ) regardless of what the parole board think.
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Swedish men...
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    Calculus Anyone?

    yup im taking it right now im a junior
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    Fan hacks off testicles

    "Police revealed he has a history of mental problems." That a bit of an understatement of the facts.
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    Help help I have broken a bolt on my motorbike

    Cool- I can get parts. Parts aren't the issue. Thanks for the fact sheet. It's pretty much a first bike, though I've ridden other ones in an 'unnoficial capacity'. p.s. they stoppped making the bike in the 70s here's a pic of more or less what the bike will look like;
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    Gwyneth Paltrow Nice Boob!

    LMAO you have no idea how much that has cheered me up :yep:
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    so my psp almost got stolen today

    edit: dont want the ban stick
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    Gawd... bless America

    A second video, aggghhhhh my eyes. Slip, I think you got out while the going was good.
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    White House forced to take stance on drone use in US

    And yet people elected him for a second term...geezz
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    Didn't God swear to King David that He would rise up Christ to sit on King...

    David was chosen directly from God to sit as King over Israel on earth, it became vacant when he died although other Kings followed they were not chosen directly by God, Jesus was crowned King in heaven which he was raised up from the earth to sit down at the right hand of God to rule Gods...
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    Are we witnessing Bible prophecy been fulfilled?

    Mathew 24: 6-8 Jesus says to look for signs that we are near the End of this system, one of these signs was Great Earthquakes in one place after another? Big earthquake in Japan this morning, the other week it was New Zealand! Yes there has always been earthquakes, BUT not as frequent and as big...
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    6 Bible prophecies you are seeing fulfilled!! ?

    1. Earthquakes 2. Famine 3. Disease* 4. Lack of natural affection 5. Ruining of the Earth 6. A global preaching work* Better times ahead. Revelation 21: 3-4 Death no more nor Paine anymore former things have passed away. Would you like to know more??
  20. S

    Bible prophecies you are seeing fullfilled ?

    Mathew 24: 6-7 you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars, Nation will rise against nation, Kingdom against Kingdom, there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another. Mathew 24: 32 Now learn from the fig tree as an illustration this point: just as soon as it's...