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  1. S

    Where have all the muscly guys gone?

    unngh gonnaq cum muscly guys
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    female passiveness

    I think I might. People like you make me laugh. If you cant take cheap shots about your sexuality, you obviously dont have a very good one .
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    Gucci Avi's spring 08:
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    Price of drinks.

    £1.90 for a carling at the student union.
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    facebook ?

    I don't know how.
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    Mornington Crescent...Join the fun!

    But, what station are you going to??? Your declaration of was in another thread and you had neither declared a calvinball flag in your possession nor that you had covered yourself in honey and lime jello. Shaka, the walls fell. As for me, Mike, off to Gospel Oak. BTW, transitioning to the...
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    The Rise of UKIP

    What this tells me is that the major parties need to do something with immigration to assuage fears of "too many foreigners"? Take away the leverage and main motivator that UKIP have? Even just to change the perception of what's happening? I'm politically clueless and mostly liberal and lefty...
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    In a way. I think that the tax rate is artificially high due to the offsets of these deductions. So not using them isn't smart. However is gladly get rid of them and simplify the code so everyone is equal. But I won't not use the breaks now when the underlying rates have them built in already.
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    Japan quake

    The news is just getting worse and worse, with with a possible second and third reactor in trouble. I've read on some news RSS feeds that I subscribe to that Tokyo citizens are now moving out of the city, with some finding accomodation near an international airport (not Narita though I've heard...
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    I keep telling you but few listen....

    We do not have heavy duty garbage can lids like that anymore
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    your favorite non-workout hobbies

    Admittedly back in my middle and high school days I've spent quite a few weekend nights like that. We had a pretty good group and my girlfriend at the time was also into it. We played the range from simple pen and paper games to tabletop games. Ate pizza and snacks all night long and...
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    If you were going to live in another country?

    I would say that Greece is your best bet there Zaad. It is about to become a VERY cheap place to live...... paul
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    Barium anyone?

    Nah! I was too busy looking at the sky for these damn vapour trails.
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    The Word Game IV

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    "Attacked by Mortal Kombat" video. I don't think this one has ever been posted before.
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    Steak and BJ Day is coming around soon

    nice pic lol
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    Help! My cats bleeding in her ear!?

    it could be ear mites. if there is black stuff in it it's probably ear mites. there may be an over the counter ear drop thing you can get until the vet opens again. or maybe some saline to clean her ears?