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  1. U

    Dangerous Dog Act

    Sorry, but, just because you found there to be an exception to the rule, doesn't mean that my statement wasn't practiced more often than not. Like you just said, he wasn't a desired animal. Now the question is, if the pupps were taken care of properly, do they still turn out like him? The...
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    In this thread we are English

    brb macking some afternoon tee
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    North Korea Nuke Test

    couldn't agree more. the dangers soon start to balloon outwards though. who is going to do the hit? China or the US? Because they will be the ones who put the resources behind the new regime. Now its getting interesting isn't it? Do we have China supporting a new regime in N. Korea? I...
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    Happy Thanksgiving Guize!

    I'm thankful of the massacre, and the casinos.
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    st, help with dinner

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    Thought of the Day

    Dude, you are a creeper.
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? Seriously? You can't imagine how a small, non-NATO country might have found itself forced into an even less favourable situation? NATO favoured Iceland because Iceland threatened to throw their toys out of the pram. NATO gave Iceland, an...
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    Egg Detonation

    why would you microwave a lightbulb?
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    what do do if you live in a college town?

    Go rollin' in yo whip around town and scope out some bitches.
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    The Viking Thread

    It doesn't look like they were - there's certainly no mention of it that I can find and these were sailing ships, with oars used for rowing into shore or up rivers rather than long distances. Plus they didn't exactly have slaves (well, they were slaves, but with a bit more mobility than usual...
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    MAP sweeties

    You know there is sweetie and might I add ?
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    ST, is this gay?

    i hate metrostation.
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    Illegal to insult Islam?

    again because he has provided evidence unlike the other two. I've hit a problem with this. I have no intention of saying a major religion should be banned but I do think some more thought or something should be put into the qu'ran. Someone preaching violence and terror would be arrested, a text...
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    Your DUMPED LOL!!!

    My cheeks hurt from laughing.
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    =0 is my cat ok?????

    I think you need to elaborate more on your question? It is possible your cat was just chewing on it and nothing more. I can better answer your question if you elaborate on what happened and how your cat is now compared to before you found the paper clip.
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    My kitten has fleas how do i get rid of them?

    Since still a kitty, I would recommend using either Dawn unscented dish soap or Palmolive like someone else suggested earlier and gently rub through body. But if fleas are near the head, be careful. I'd do it in the sink, depending on how big/old your kitten is. Comb out gently to remove most of...
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    what could be wrong with my cats tail? (picture)?

    It happened to my cat once, her tail got sprained and could not move it normally as you described. I took her to the vet so maybe you should do the same just to be sure. Her tail is fine now. Sorry about your cat, by the way :o\