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  1. N

    Up and up it goes where it stops nobody knows.

    Okay so maybe the stock brokers and the economists know when it's going to stop. But I've been looking at the newspaper in the business section. I'm curious, as to the rapid strength of the Canadian dollar compared to the U.S's dollar, of why it's value is so high? I heard it maybe have to do...
  2. N

    Global Cooling!!! (We're all going to die!)

    Psst, just a little clue for you bud but if your the one citing a newpaper article* to back up your argument, you might not want to get into a debate about "Scientific validity". * Particularly a newspaper article that takes as it's source for science a quote from a guy who head an organisation...
  3. N

    Zomg le squarrrrllllsss!

    robin hood style?
  4. N

    Birthday present?

    cool story hansel
  5. N

    Woo Flipping Hoo part II

    Congratulations................not sure we need another intellectual up to now you have made a fair amount of sense im a little worried what will happen when you get those little letters after your name
  6. N

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Oh you mean like when the border guard asks you why you're visiting America on holiday and you say "I'm on holiday visiting a friend ..." and you then have to give them your friends details right down to how many nose hairs and freckles they have. Then they ask you "So why are you visiting...
  7. N

    "What kindas kiss r u?" - QUIZ

    "What kindas kiss r u?" - QUIZ Romantic Kiss Lying in bed after making love and just doing whatever. fair enough then
  8. N

    Anonymous VS Scientology in Vancouver

    Thread can stay as long as no raids / links to raids are posted. That includes "PM me for...", "If you want to...", etc. We have to protect PbN policy first. Just discuss their raid since its a current event, but don't participate in it or let us know you participated in it; it violates the...
  9. N

    Why are you on TSR on a friday night?

    why are you posting on ihav when drunk? you have no friends lolzz?
  10. N

    What Can We Do About Cyclists?

    Simple, the longer you are nearly stopped and the longer it takes you get back up to a safer speed, the higher your chances are of being rear-ended. You have to acknowledge that driving too slowly comes with it's own set of dangers especially on corners and hills. As I said before this is...
  11. N

    t/f - adopted kids get free ride to college

    totally racist on my part.
  12. N

    Eeek! GID being diagnosed in kids as young as 5...

    i think people should be careful throwing labels around, I was like that too, i hated dolls, loved trucks and motorcycles, and loved hockey, climbing trees, playing guns and playing with boys, hell i even used to imitate my big bro and pee standing up! Lmao. I even hated things like dresses...
  13. N

    Which sunglasses?

    assuming you're a lady.... If you're male, I'd say the opposite is true. The aviators would be more conventional.
  14. N

    Favorite pop

  15. N

    Illegal to insult Islam?

    The man just compared Islam to National Socialism, the government was right on this one. You are using semantics to try to disguise his blatantly racist world view, I dont have to stretch my imagination to believe that Adolf Hitler used such soft rhetoric to describe the Jews in his populist...
  16. N

    Car bomb found in London

    The controlled explosion in Scotland worked (even if it was some poor sod illegally parked) Terrorists 0 Police 1
  17. N

    Who here is on

    I actually blew UP a transformer. When I was a kid, i took a radio antenna and shoved it inside a fusebox, blew the fusebox, and blew up the transformer outside. And suprisingly, I never got hurt.
  18. N

    christmas lists

    I don't even know. what ever they want to get me I guess, I could care less.
  19. N

    The final bear vs squid thread...

    i guess we found out who won
  20. N

    Has anyone here ever been on the free Israel trip?

    I'm thinking of going on it myself, but because it's free, it sounds kind of sketchy to me. Did you enjoy it? Is it a good trip to go on? Tell me your experiences!!!