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  1. L

    The Confession Thread

    Oh right!
  2. L

    Online Driving Theory

    24 I know I should have done this years ago...
  3. L

    Is Iran Next?

    Which seems to be what you are trying to do! Let's see... Swap the words 'east' for 'west' and 'Soviet' for 'Americans' and both statements are equally true. The USSR used the rest of the 'eastern bloc' as a buffer zone against the 'west', and ruthlessly stamped out any attempted deviance...
  4. L

    Kid at my school digs up body to smoke weed

    probably made it like that
  5. L

    What do you think of this story beginning/character introduction?

    This sounds really good and it makes me want to read on. The loose ends you introduce (the scars, the "familiar" alleyway) really make the reader curious. I really like how it sounds.
  6. L

    Typing challenge

    GREAT!!!! So the longest must be "haggas alfalfa salads"
  7. L

    Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

    I suppose that might explain the presence of the finger in the Wendy's chilli years ago! Whoever was on the meat grinder that day must've been distracted. You must always remember to get all the body parts in before leaving the workstation.
  8. L

    maclaren grand tour lx?

    ive been looking for a pram for my baby due in the summer and mostly everyone i speak to say to get a maclaren. I no they are good buggies as i had one for my daughter when she was younger but i want a buggy where the baby can face me until he is a bit older and the maclaren buggies such as xlr...
  9. L

    Why do men get annoyed when women complain?

    Seriously, do you want to be around someone who is always negative? No normal person does. Maybe he has a valid point. You are on YA complaining about him and calling him names.
  10. L

    Planet Nibiru?

    QFT :facepalm: ANYWHERE BETWEEN 2003-2013 GTFO.
  11. L

    What gives you the creeps?

    I know what you mean. Feels like someone is touching your ass, well it does for me and i just move straight up :rofl2:
  12. L

    National anthems

    I'm guessing here...Maybe the English see no reason to stand for a German woman.
  13. L

    ill get your money back.. just send me $140 for my services
  14. L

    40 Lashes over a toys name

    Damn, you beat me to it.
  15. L

    Does China have a problem with terrorism?

    they don't because they don't have Chinese CIA and they don't aid Israel with billions giving the freaking mind people the reason to attack Beijing.
  16. L

    Do you remember when?...?

    I was brainwashed by this slim nice '' expletive ''. but this is not too far from Michael Moore, he could do more ; )
  17. L

    Why is Israel allowed to maintain nuclear weapons, and all other

    Because israel was created within Arabian stolen lands, and it's so obvious that they want even more land for jewish people from all around the world to live in. And since they don't want the Arabs to try and have their lands back, the israelis own the (bingo) weapons and cost the USA billions &...
  18. L

    Why is Israel allowed to maintain nuclear weapons, and all other

    Because israel was created within Arabian stolen lands, and it's so obvious that they want even more land for jewish people from all around the world to live in. And since they don't want the Arabs to try and have their lands back, the israelis own the (bingo) weapons and cost the USA billions &...
  19. L

    URGENT!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!?

    My dear, just keep in mind that this may be an early April's fool gag.
  20. L

    Israel Nuclear Weapons?

    At Least 200 heads in Daimona.