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  1. T

    Your perfect girl.

    WTF? You need help kid.
  2. T

    if you were to commit suicide

    eat a hand gernade
  3. T

    Why people have stopped making fun of Chuck Norris!

    Just a point of interest here Chuck was once the Something Weight title holder in the PKA.
  4. T

    How many Canadians on MAP?

    I'm from Shebrooke Quebec folks!
  5. T

    Relativity drive: The end of wings and wheels?

    It sounds too good to be true so it's probably not true. But just for 5 minutes or so I'm going to indulge in believing it could be true, then tommorrow I may have a look-see and try to figure out what they are talking about again
  6. T

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Snow! what snow all i see is sun shine and the beach which i live a five minute walk to, he he
  7. T

    Pick-up Lines

    Nice shoes, let's fuck
  8. T

    Human Cloning?

    Congratulations, Clare; you've just insulted every identical twin in existence. You've also insulted every mother, for having a placenta to nurture the baby. Identical twins are clones of each other, and every placenta is a clone of the baby it nurtures. Cloning is nothing new, either; anyone...
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    ST: I have acquired a banana costume

    troof. He should light himself on fire. o wait..... :dodgyrun:
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    Girls how much does it hurt?

    My balls hurt after watching that. :(
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    Derailers Anonymous

    Hm. I am a lot drunker then I thought I was.
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    What Women find sexy.

    Huh? The 'fornication' word you mean?
  13. T

    smart Kids?

    Why do you need their real names? I agree, you're creeping me out. This is the 2nd question of this nature that I've seen you post.
  14. T

    Bellybutton?! help!?

    It's probably just dying skin. Innie bellybuttons don't get clean like the rest of the body in showers, because water and soap usually run around or over it. Try cleaning it with your finger when you're in the shower every day for the next week or so, and that should get all the dead skin and...