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  1. J

    The Confession Thread

    LMAO, you've got a whole rule set NK. But I admire people who stick with their team through thick and thin. The way professional sport is played now, most players are not even from the club district.
  2. J

    The Confession Thread

    LOL! Most definitely after. As soon as he went all naughty and tattooed and stuff I just melted! Tekkengod, I can't believe I stuck up for you against centuries of male/female conditioning and Lily gets a smiley for mere forgiveness of transgression! That's it, I'm removing my support now, you...
  3. J

    Have you ever seen a gun in real life?

    Did a bit of shooting when I was younger, last time was rabbit shooting although that was about 2 years ago, will get my license & own gun one day but got other things to do/spend money on at the moment.
  4. J

    Whats the best

    The key to developing lean, thick muscle is proteins and carbohydrates. My suggestion is make sure your diet is full of carbs, and look for a protein powder thats plentiful in both carbs and protein. Stray away from creatine; try Whey protein.
  5. J

    TSR relationship

    :unsure:... ok then :five:
  6. J

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    I used to have an old Maine Coon cait who liked to play the piano.... or rather, run across the keys when I was trying to practice
  7. J


    o hai spike edit: yuck fou ^
  8. J

    Life, routines and lack thereof

    The main thing to keep in mind is that your exercise routine revolves around your life and not your life around your exercise routine. Sometimes it's simply a matter of less leisure time or waking up a bit earlier than usual to fit it in. Everyone has at least three hours throughout the week...
  9. J

    is avi the same as xvid?

    .avi is a file extension. xvid is a compression format. .avi can be used to hold video of almost any compression format. Including xvid, Dvix, RAW, ...ect. However generally .avi is an uncompressed video format meaning that each minute is several gigabytes. That is the format used by many...
  10. J

    Islam and the cruelty of Halal. CAUTION, distressing scenes.

    I am personally alot more worried about how animals live than how they die, even if the killing method should be as humane as possible. What many in the western world put animals through just to increase their profit is alot more wrong than a few seconds of pain when the animal is killed. And...
  11. J

    The truth about "Pandas"

    The truth about "Pandas" The pandas have fooled you all. They are disguising themselves as people. There is one calling itself Steven Seagal.
  12. J

    The count to 20

    So YOU ARE gay!
  13. J

    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    TheMadHoose av - 7/10 sig - 7/10
  14. J

    Instructions on knowing how to get a girl friend

    Hell yeah... I'm 3-0-0 on Myspace so far...
  15. J

    How do you record a roller coaster ride using a handheld camera?

    First. You need a camera and a hand. Grasp the camera with your select hand. Hop on the ride.
  16. J

    what is a internet web browser?

    web browser
  17. J

    US use torture?

    Or if america ever leaves. Once the US soldiers leave, they'll fold just like Vietnam did. I personally don't want my sons dying for someone elses war.
  18. J

    What do you wish to know about the true Ian?

    You must mean his father. He's a 46 year old douchebag who has a son with no life and is going to grow up in his steps. As a cross dresser.